Social Science Homework Help

Read about discrepant events from ‘Discrepant teaching events: Using an inquiry stance to address students’ misconceptions’ (Longfield, 2009). Watch the video clip about ‘Heavy Newspaper’ (‘Heavy News

 Read about discrepant events from ‘Discrepant teaching events: Using an inquiry stance to address students’ misconceptions’ (Longfield, 2009).

Watch the video clip about ‘Heavy Newspaper’ (‘Heavy Newspaper’, 2011). Gather the resources and conduct the experiment yourself. Compare and contrast the process of watching the video with conducting the same activity done as a hands-on minds-on activity. Do you think video clips can arouse the same level of curiosity in learners as hands-on minds-on discrepant events? Why or why not? From your experience, what are the merits and demerits of both? ensure to cite at least two sources


1. Bybee, R. (2009). The BSCS 5E instructional model and 21st century skills. The National Academies Board on Science Education.

  • This paper addresses potential connections between the development of 21st century skills and an instructional model used by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). That model is referred to as the BSCS 5E instructional model. This paper draws upon a report for the National Institutes of Health, Office of Science Education (Bybee, 2009).

2.  Empowering students: The 5e model explained. (n.d.) Lesley University.

  • Lesley University explains what the 5e Model is and how teachers can integrate it into their classroom instruction. In addition to applying the model to classroom practice, the effectiveness of using this model is also explained and explored.

3. Longfield, J. (2009). Discrepant teaching events: Using an inquiry stance to address students’ misconceptions. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 21(2), 266.

  • This article defines what a discrepant teaching event is and compares and contrasts discrepant science events and discrepant teaching events (Longfield, 2009). Examples of discrepant teaching events useful in mathematics and social studies are also provided. The article concludes with a discussion of the utilization of an “inquiry stance” to teaching as a way to address students’ misconceptions of discipline-specific concepts.

4. Mills, J. E., & Treagust, D. F. (2003). Engineering education—Is problem-based or project-based learning the answer? Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 3(2), 2-16.

  • This paper discusses the application of problem-based and project-based learning to engineering education and examines the difference between them. It reviews some examples of where they have been used to date and discusses the effectiveness and relevance of each method for engineering education.

5. Wang, H.-H., Moore, T. J., Roehrig, G. H., & Park, M. S. (2011). STEM integration: Teacher perceptions and practice. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 1(2), 2.

  • This article reports research findings showing that problem-solving process is a key component to integrate STEM disciplines; teachers in different STEM disciplines have different perceptions about STEM integration and that leads to different classroom practices; technology is the hardest discipline to integrate in these cases; and teachers are aware of the need to add more content knowledge in their STEM integration (Wang et al., 2011).

Optional Videos

1. Heavy Newspaper – SICK science. (2011). Steve Spangier Science.

  • This discrepant event can be used as a demonstration by the teacher or as a class activity. On the other hand, students can watch the video followed by class discussion.

2. SanBdoCitySchools. (2014, June 17). The 5E model: A strategy for the high school chemistry classroom [Video]. YouTube.(9:09)

  • This video explains using the 5E Model of teaching to develop a lesson where students figure out how to propel a model car by a chemical reaction.
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