Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 8 pages paper on intelligence in ancient celts. The ancient Celts appointed members of their villages into leadership position based on popularity and ability. With no formal systems in place,

Write a 8 pages paper on intelligence in ancient celts. The ancient Celts appointed members of their villages into leadership position based on popularity and ability. With no formal systems in place, measurement of intelligence within the Celts must require more creativity. It also must use very different types of processes than the current tests used in the U.S. today. The measurements of intelligence that I have devised for this ancient culture are based on many factors that greatly influenced the Celts. I will use measurements of ability to order groups of tasks that are commonly performed in the daily lives of the ancient Celts. I will develop basic mathematical problems using examples of routine household and agricultural tasks. Identification of common religious or cultural symbols will be included. To assess memory, coordination and spatial ability, I will design a portion of the test to require reproducing simple pictures, by drawing on surfaces that are commonly used for art. Keeping in mind that the Celts did not make much use of written word, measurement of such knowledge will not be included. To keep measurements of intelligence fair and unbiased, only the most common aspects of folklore, art and agriculture will be used. The most well-known characteristic of this culture is the development of Celtic languages, many of which are still spoken today. Celtic languages are said to have been developed initially, as a branch of Indo-European languages.

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