Article Writing Homework Help

Given the incident’s potential severe impact to SSR, an emergency Board of Directors meeting has been arranged. Farkus and Piggott have been requested to brief the Board of Directors on the incident a

Given the incident’s potential severe impact to SSR, an emergency Board of Directors meeting has been arranged. Farkus and Piggott have been requested to brief the Board of Directors on the incident and they only have 30 minutes. The Board of Directors want to know what the incident is, what the potential impacts are, what SSR is doing about it, when SSR expects to resolve the incident, and who is involved in the response. Farkus and Piggott want to provide a memo to the Board of Directors prior to the meeting so the Board can come prepared for an effective discussion. Given Farkus and Piggott don’t have technical knowledge or incident response experience, they have asked your team to put together a single page executive briefing memo in Microsoft Word format.

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