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Write 4 pages thesis on the topic comparing the role of women in classical societies.

Write 4 pages thesis on the topic comparing the role of women in classical societies. Compared to the western classical society of ancient Rome, the oriental classical society of India and China was more submissive to the governance of men over their lives. They had been imbibed by a strong cultural and religious breeding to evolve themselves into the role given to them by birth. The gender bias was an undisputedly accepted norm in those societies. The remnants of which are seen in their women even in modern times.The attitude of men towards women in these three classical societies was common in respect to the restrictions levied on the behavior of women in each.While in the ancient Indian classical society, Sita in Ramayana fulfills the role of a dutiful wife of Rama in all respects. She accompanies him in exile and serves him as devotedly even in adverse conditions only because she is his wife and has no other role to play than to serve her husband whole heartedly. Rama in return is a dutiful husband with a well-demarcated role of being the caretaker of his wife. To protect her and to provide for her in return of her loyalty is illustrated in the Ramayana. In Lessons for Women Ban Zhao elaborates the Confucian ideals of private and public conduct with special relevance to women in order to guide them through life so that they could live with contentment in the role endowed to them by birth in that culture and society. The acceptance of men as their masters and life partners has been stressed in the Chinese classical society similar to the Indian classical society.

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