English Homework Help

English Choose one of the following questions and write a research paper. You must incorporate ″The Fat Girl″ as well as at least one outside source. Make sure to use MLA format and have a Work Cited


Choose one of the following questions and write a research paper. You must incorporate ″The Fat Girl″ as well as at least one outside source. Make sure to use MLA format and have a Work Cited sheet. Including the Works Cited sheet, your paper should be a minimum of three pages double spaced in total. Look at the emails I sent on MLA as well as introductions to a paper to help you. You may hand it in on Wednesday, however, your papers are due by Friday, November 22 before midnight. They are to be sent via email. Why do we allow others to have such an impact on our self-image? What is beauty and who gets to define it? Is the way a person looks connected to who she/he is? In his short story ″The Fat Girl″, Andre Dubus shows the destructive way society views food and addiction and how it adversely affects women. Discuss the pressure society puts on women to have the ″perfect body″? In the story, Louise hides what she eats, covers herself with layers of clothing and isolates herself from others. What effect does this have on her self-esteem? How does someone′s judgment on one′s physical appearance often lead to low self-esteem in the future?

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