Health & Medical Homework Help

The basic concepts of incidence, prevalence, mortality, and costs provide a foundation for understanding and describing the impact of disease in a population. This forum is designed to give you practi

The basic concepts of incidence, prevalence, mortality, and costs provide a foundation for understanding and describing the impact of disease in a population. This forum is designed to give you practice identifying and describing these basic concepts by discussing the impact of a specific disease (provided below) in the United States.  

Click here for a printable presentation handout (FILE ATTACHED)

Read the disease report, Cancer Facts & Figures 2021 (FILE ATTACHED)

For citing and referencing in your post, the original report is at the American Cancer Society website:

Questions: In your post, answer the following items regarding cancer in the US (2021).

  • Discuss US estimates of incidence, prevalence, and mortality – Use the information in the disease report provided to answer this item. For each estimate, provide a brief explanation and include the numeric value, unit of measure, applicable population, and applicable year(s). In the answer, cite and reference the report.

Must in-text cite and cite at least two sources.


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