Psychology Homework Help

Find three advertisements (online) that highlight one or more of the cultural orientations discussed in class (individualism/collectivism, high power/low power, masculine/feminine, high avoidance/low

Find three advertisements (online) that highlight one or more of the cultural orientations discussed in class (individualism/collectivism, high power/low power, masculine/feminine, high avoidance/low avoidance, indulgence/ restraint, short term/long term). They don’t have to be current.  In fact, older ads might be more interesting.  Ads from other countries would also be great. Paste the ads on google slides (or some other program)  so that we can view them in class. In one page, identify which orientations the ad is addressing.  If you can compare/contrast those orientations with other ads for the same product that would be great, but not mandatory. 

Incentive:  Most “unique” ad gets and extra credit boost.

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