Engineering Homework Help

Work the following problems: a. A unity feedback control systems for a robot submarine has a plant with a third-order transfer function G(s) = K / (s(s + 10)(s +50)) We want

Work the following problems:

a.    A unity feedback control systems for a robot submarine has a plant with a third-order transfer function

                        G(s) = K / (s(s + 10)(s +50))

We want the overshoot to be approximately 7.5% for a step input and the settling time (with a 2% criterion) of the system be 400ms.  Find a suitable phase-lead compensator by using root locus methods.  Let the zero of the compensator be located at s = -15, and determine the compensator pole.  Determine resulting Kv.

b. system of the form below with unity feedback has G(s) = K / (s+5)^2

b.We desire the steady-state error to a step input to be approximately 5% and the phase margin of the system to be approximately 45 degrees.  Design a lag network to meet these specifications. 

Please see attached sheet for diagram No chegg answers please!! Need Matlab code for all parts!

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