Accounting Homework Help

:: Financial Accounting assignment :: XYZ Inc is a CRM software company. Evaluate the financial statement for XYZ Inc and write a report of maximum 8 pages following the table of contents below. 1.0

:: Financial Accounting assignment ::

XYZ Inc is a CRM software company. Evaluate the financial statement for XYZ Inc and write a report of maximum 8 pages following the table of contents below.

1.0   Executive Summary

2.0   XYZ Financial Situation – A Graphical Look (Show the given statement information in various finance graph look such as line graph, bar graph, scatterplot, combo chart, waterfall chart, pie chart, histogram, gauge chart. Use these graphs as for the relevant data being used to represent financial data.)

(For your reference:  This link shows you for what type of data you can use what type of chart)

3.0  Recommendations (The recommendations section must cover the positive and the negative issues you discovered from reading the financial statements. You will say what the company should do to change some of the problems or build up some of the strengths.)

4.0  References/Index. Make the Appendix of all the charts and graph as per APA format.

Please use APA format, no plagiarism. Along with the answer, please submit the turnit in report as well. Please write the paper using more finance related technical language. For XYZ Inc, strictly use the data in the attached spreadsheet. There are also formulas and ration formulas written in this sheet. Please do enough research and make the paper read more logical.

Total 1700 words (excluding references, graphs, charts)

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