Article Writing Homework Help

Need help with my writing homework on Operations Strategy and Timeline of Managed Project. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Operations Strategy and Timeline of Managed Project. Write a 1250 word paper answering; Starting from the last activity that is K the latest finish time calculated by adding up the earliest start time with the time taken for the activity K. Then time taken by each activity is subtracted accordingly so as to determine the latest finish time of every precedent activity.

The critical path of the project is the longest path on the network or the maximum time that the project will take. In this case, the critical path would be from C to F to G to H to J to K as this path will the longest time. The time taken on the critical path will be:

The activity H is the user acceptance testing which is a critical activity in this project as the activity lies on the critical path. The current length of the critical path will increase by three weeks as due to the delay of three weeks in activity H. This activity is the user acceptance testing where the user of the software make their decisions regarding acceptance of the software which shall be used for the operations managers are the next activities that are connected to Hare J i.e. implementation and K i.e. handover. The three weeks delay in activity H can be handled appropriately by shortening the times that the next activities consume. The next activities are connected with the activity H, as J is the activity where implementation of the software is done which can be set short as when the user acceptance testing takes time then the user modifications are fully understood and implemented. When the user specifications fully satisfy the implementation stage can be cut short in order to affirm that the critical time for the project does not exceed.

The activity H lies on the critical path and the delay in this activity will cause serious troubles regarding the extension in critical time for the completion of the project.&nbsp.

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