Management Homework Help

Find the case study attached in the files. Please prepare your paper as per the APA format. Overview These case studies are to be done individually. Read the appropriate materials and prepare an 8-10

Find the case study attached in the files.

Please prepare your paper as per the APA format.


These case studies are to be done individually. Read the appropriate materials and prepare an 8-10 page case analysis report for each of the cases, organized as you see appropriate for the topic, in a way that address all the questions provided for each case on the course website (not within the case itself). Each report should include an introduction and conclusion. 

Carefully read the case and consider its context in relation to supplier evaluation and global sourcing readings and concepts learned in this unit. The case includes situational information, which should be used to perform the required analysis and make the appropriate recommendations. You do not need to address the questions stated inside the case itself. You are, however, required to address all of the questions provided here.

Case Questions

1.      Develop a process that provides a logical order evaluating the market data and reach a recommendation regarding how to proceed with the supplier selection process. For example, the first step of this process may include organizing the data in a logical format. Subsequent steps should follow from the organization of this data, and may also include additional information that is needed to make an informed recommendation, as well as the sources of information that may be available to do so. Present this process in the form of a flow chart with key decision points clearly identified.

2.      Perform Supplier Evaluation and Selection Analysis using the worksheets / template provided. What is your recommendation?

3.      What extra costs are associated with Asian suppliers that will have to be incurred by PSC? Are these costs justified in this case?

4.      What other obstacles / challenges would PSC face if it selects a supplier from abroad?

5.      If PSC selects an Asian supplier, what efforts can be exerted to make their global sourcing strategy successful?

Please include Introduction Reccomendation and conclusion as well.

Also add at least 4 academic references

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