Social Science Homework Help

This written assignment will ask you to consider the nature of learning environments and how these features influence instructional design choices. Review pp 4-5 in the Seel text (

This written assignment will ask you to consider the nature of learning environments and how these features influence instructional design choices. Review pp 4-5 in the Seel text ( These pages discuss the basic expectations of learning environments.

In your paper, discuss the features you consider to be a priority for an effective learning environment. Draw from your personal experiences as a teacher to justify your claims. If you are not currently teaching, think about your experiences as a student and what expectations were placed upon your learning goals. A learning environment can look very different across schools depending on educational aims. As an instructor, what are the necessary requirements for your learning environment? Be certain to discuss a limitation or challenge for each feature you include. What would be problematic about this feature (i.e. time, cost, administration, privacy issues, technology, etc.)? That is, why might this feature be difficult to implement in your situation or for your community?

As you discuss the essential features you consider to be important in a learning environment, include how these would influence instructional design choices. In what way do the needs of the learning environment drive instructional design? Be explicit in your connections.

Submit a paper which is 3-4 pages in length, excluding the Title and References pages. Your paper should be double-spaced and cite at least 2 outside sources in APA format. Your paper should be well-written and free from grammar, spelling, and content errors. Be sure that you have properly cited (in APA format) all resources used.

Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a free website that provides excellent information and resources for understanding and using the APA format and style. The OWL website can be accessed here:


1. Botturi, L. (2003). Instructional design & learning technology standard. ICeF – Quadernidell’Istituto 9, 4-69.

  • Read pp 4-69. This report is devoted to presenting some of the most referenced Instructional Design models and the up-to-date state of the definition of learning technology standards. Its goal is not to offer an exhaustive summary of the discipline or of the field of educational technologies, but to provide a first critical introduction into the design of education. Basic vocabulary and terms will be introduced and defined.

2. Seel, N. M., Lchmann, T., Blumschien, P., & Podolskiy, O. A. (2017). Instructional design for learning: Theoretical foundations, 1 – 17.

  • Read pp 1-17. This chapter introduces the basic philosophy of instructional design and the central concepts essential to creating effective learning environments. Drawing on the work of Gagne (1965) and Roth (1963), the authors explain the science of instructional design as an important component of educational planning.

Optional Videos

1. Montes, B. (2013, October 12). Instructional design-unit 1: An introduction [Video]. YouTube. (10:00)

  • The runtime on this video is 10 minutes. Montes provides an introduction to instructional design, models of instructional design, and the ADDIE model of instructional design.
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