Health & Medical Homework Help

  Preventative Measures Our liver, gallbladder and pancreas play a huge role in the human body and have many functions we learned about this week.   Discuss what we can do to keep these organs as heal

Preventative Measures

Our liver, gallbladder and pancreas play a huge role in the human body and have many functions we learned about this week.  

  • Discuss what we can do to keep these organs as healthy as possible?
  • Can any of the diseases of these organs be prevented?  How?

Make sure to include at least one paragraph in your response and explain your answer with detailed information

6.Brian is a 30-year-old male who was recently discharged from the hospital after a minor surgery. He is now complaining of pain and burning during urination, and a constant urge to urinate throughout the day. 

  • Discuss what tests the physicians might order to confirm his diagnosis:
  • What results might you expect?
  • What is his treatment and how long do you think he needs to be treated for?
  • Would his treatment be different if he was a female?

Make sure to include at least one paragraph in your response and explain your answer with de-tailed information.

7.Cervical Cancer

Our textbook states “Cervical Cancer is the 5th lead of cancer causing deaths in females.” 

  • Discuss what causes this deadly cancer?

Vaccination against Cervical and Genital Warts is a controversial issue. 

  • Why or why not would you choose to vaccinate your teen (female and male) with the Gardisil vac-cine?
  • Make sure to include at least one paragraph in your response and explain your answer with de-tailed information.
  • 8The Post 9/11 Society

In chapter 21, we discussed many different mental illnesses and disorders.

  • In your opinion, what disorders are more prevalent in our post 9/11 society and why?
  • What symptoms might we see more often and do you have any experi-ence with these on a personal level or have you seen it in a friend or family member?
  • What other factors might contribute such as financial issues, etc.?

Make sure to include at least one paragraph in your response and explain your answer with detailed information.

part 2. 

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