Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. banning smoking in public places Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. banning smoking in public places Thank you in advance for the help! The associated press is a well established and reputed American news agency which is a cooperative owned by its contributing newspapers, radio and television stations. They have been in this profession for over a decade. In this article, they have reported on the Surgeon General’s report on second-hand smoking which is based on a comprehensive federal investigation. Hence their source of information is reliable and authentic. The article was able to underscore the need for states and cities to take an active role in implementing stricter measures to restrict smoking in public places. I was really impressed by the presentation of facts concerning the impact of second-hand smoke on children who don’t have a voice when their parents choose to smoke around them. Although banning smoking in public places can have a limited impact in these children, the fact that they live in homes where there is no restriction on smoking underscores the need to address this issue at a much deeper level.

This article was released on the electronic version of the BBC News Magazine. It was intended to encourage public discussion on the issue of banning smoking in public places. The first part of the article examines the ban on outdoor smoking in New York which covers public golf courses, sports grounds, beaches, municipal parks, Time Square and plazas like Herald Square. The latter part of the article examines the effect of such bans in countries like China and UK. The article also presents an unsure view of Martin Dockrell, who is the director of research and policy at the campaign group Action on Smoking and Health.

The writer of this article is a news reporter and analyst. However, care must be taken to ensure that the report is not biased by personal opinions or skewed data analysis.&nbsp.

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