History Homework Help

In this discussion board, like the discussion board in Module Three, you will be divided into groups based on your last name, and each group will be assigned a point of view on the presidency of Jacks

In this discussion board, like the discussion board in Module Three, you will be divided into groups based on your last name, and each group will be assigned a point of view on the presidency of Jackson.  You will then express and argue for this point of view.

Make sure you read the Guidelines for all Text-Forum Posts. In order to be considered full participation, students need to participate at least two days during the assigned week. Answer Posts should have a word count of 100-150 words. Reply posts can have less than 100 words.

Here are your groups:

You believe Jackson was a good president, who had a more positive effect on the country than a negative one.

Now, describe your assigned point of view, why it makes sense to you, and why you think you’re right.  The point is to see both sides of an issue!  When you’ve given your perspective, comment on a classmate’s post, disagreeing and giving your side of things (again, from your assigned point of view).

The point here is to see that the question of Jackson’s presidency is multifaceted, and both sides have perspectives that make sense to them.

Again: You are arguing for Jackson being (or not being) a good PRESIDENT.  Whether he was a good PERSON is not part of the question.  Therefore, you need to confine your argument to whether he was beneficial to the country, beneficial to the economy, competent, etc.  You need to focus on whether America was a better or worse place after his presidency.  It’s entirely possible for someone to be a good person, but a poor president, and vice versa.

Remember: you and your classmates are portraying viewpoints, in order to understand them.  Just because you (or a classmate) give opinions in this assignment does not mean that they’re your own opinions!  Stay in character.  Also, don’t be nasty to each other; remember that you’re IN CHARACTER.

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