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Need an research paper on the truth of the jesus christ. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the truth of the jesus christ. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. This article would further give an understanding of the origin of Jesus Christ and the race to which he belonged to (Patton 1880, p 123-125).

In order to get a good understanding of the truth of Jesus Christ one has to have perfect knowledge about the scriptures. These scriptures provide data that can help in determining the truth about Jesus Christ. Scriptures, customs and social background help people to put in their views about Christ. They give a proper understanding of the environment in which Jesus was born. And if these scriptures are read closely they can have a link to the origin and the history of Jesus. According to different research and people, Jesus Christ was a human being who belonged to the faction of Jews. However, there are contradictory views on him belonging to the faction of Jews and of him being humane. Jesus Christ was a man who came to this world to accomplish the duties of God. He came in this world to fight for the people who were suffering and who were abandoned. Jesus Christ himself was not accepted in society and suffered from different atrocities. In his time he preached about the true path of God and he even gave his life for the message of God. He fought for his way to freedom but as he was unaccepted in the society he was crucified till death. This happened when one of his apostles betrayed him as was predicted by him before. (Cones 1969, p.27-55)

While Jesus Christ has left his symbol for this humanity people still fight as to which race he belonged to. The Negro groups are the supporters of the fact that Jesus belonged to the race of black. According to the research done the bodies of Mary Magdalene and Martha have been found in a village where most of the population was Negro. And to further confirm this DNA tests took place which confirmed that the people of Mandella belonged to Negroes. The advocates have even&nbsp.related this to Chapter 13:1 in Bible which states “Now there was in the church that was in Antioch certain prophets and teachers: as Barnabas and Simon that was called Niger..”.

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