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Write 4 pages with APA style on Clinical Scenario Analysis. She should turn to the ethics of advocacy for support. The new nurse can raise staffing issue since a negligent attitude of other nurse has

Write 4 pages with APA style on Clinical Scenario Analysis. She should turn to the ethics of advocacy for support. The new nurse can raise staffing issue since a negligent attitude of other nurse has done damage to her well cared patient and his family. As Cherry & Daly (2005:275) state that the staffing issue may be raised for safe care. Since mandatory overtime and adequate staffing issues are legislative rules in many countries. The new California rules state that nurses will not have to care for more than eight patients at a time, five for medical-surgical units and four specialty patients. The common details of nursing advocacy follow for her help.

The principles of nursing advocacy emphasise that patient is best judge of his/her own life. He /She has right to information about the treatment and may decide to go or not to go for the treatment. The nursing advocacy requires that any decision should be informed decision and taking into view the patient’s preferences (Vaartio, 2009:10). The roles of nursing advocacy are also to inform about the misconduct, misuse of public property, violation of rules and inadequate staffing (Vaartio, 2008:12). Various professional codes allow nurses to perform advocate’s duty on behalf of patient, family and organisation (Vaartio, 2008:13). Vaartio et al (2008: abstract) found advocacy that prompts counseling and responding activities, which in turn lead to some degree of empowerment on the part of both patient and nurse. Thus it could be expected that for the role of advocate the nurse should have clinical, professional experience and ethical and interpersonal skills (Vaartio, 2008:15).

In John’s case the nurse provided good clinical care and won the trust of his daughters. However, in her absence the new nurse probably erred in medication which is serious yet common error. Cherry & Daly (2005:281) found it putting a very high cost as number of patients die due to these errors. Medication errors occur due to many reasons and adequate staffing issue can resolve this problem. They find other reasons as failure of management in following safety practices, poor staffing without adequate training and interdisciplinary skills, long hours of work, insufficient technology for drug administration, undue time commitment to patient information leaving little time for care (282). Looking at the damages of erred medication, the new nurse should report misconduct under advocacy. However, at times, despite it being legitimate, grievance against colleagues or seniors is considered against socialisation principle so the seriousness of deed must be ascertained.

The new nurse may have to encounter aggressive emotional outburst very often, she needs a good level of emotional intelligence as well. Since, in John’s case the deteriorated condition may be an outcome of his disease and not the wrong medication. Codier, Kooker and Shoultz, (2008:11) explored the role of emotional intelligence (EI) on nursing performance.

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