Article Writing Homework Help

Some years ago, US employees were offered, and accepted, full-time jobs with a high level of benefits. Today, that trend has reversed where part-time job and/or temporary consulting jobs are becoming

Some years ago, US employees were offered, and accepted, full-time jobs with a high level of benefits. Today, that trend has reversed where part-time job and/or temporary consulting jobs are becoming more common as opposed to full-time employment. Given this background, address the following:

  • Provide      a brief, statistical background on the rising level of part-time versus      full-time employment, including the rise of consultants versus employees.
  • Discuss      the criteria a human resource professional should utilize to determine      whether an organization should hire a full-time versus part-time employee,      a consultant versus an employee, and what those implications would be for      both an organization and an employee.

Within your post, support your responses with information from at least one peer-reviewed/scholarly source (not older than three to five years) from online library or the internet, and provide the full citation at the end of your post. Use APA guidelines to format your references. 

Don’t use Wikipedia or blogs/news articles. Use only Scholarly articles.

Sources used in class:

El Zahr, S., Fakih, K., & El-Khalil, R. (2016). Employment-at-will: Between the American exceptions and the Lebanese protection. Employee Relations Law Journal, 42(2), 56–75.

Gely, R., Cheramie, R., & Chandler, T. (2016). An empirical assessment of the contract based exception to the employment-at-will rule. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 28(1), 63–78.

Goodman, D., & Cohen, G. (2018). Public sector employment at will: A critical analysis of ethical concerns and recommendations for public administrators. Public Integrity, 20(2), 179–193.

Verkuil, P. R. (2015). Deprofessionalizing state governments: The rise of public at-will employment. Public Administration Review, 75(2), 188–189.

Arnow-Richman, R. (2016). Modifying at-will employment contracts. Boston College Law Review, 57(2), 427–506.

Argyris, C. (1970). Intervention theory and method: A behavioral science view. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.

MarketWatch. (2017). The number of reluctant part-time workers is still higher than before the Great Recession. April 9, 2017. Retrieved from 

Mislinski, J. (2018). The ratio of part-time employed. Advisor Perspectives. Retrieved from

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