English Homework Help

Select an underrepresented group (cultural, religious, sexual orientation or gender) in the United States and discuss their strengths and challenges as they travel through the K-16 system. You may in

Select an underrepresented group (cultural, religious, sexual orientation or gender) in the United States and discuss their strengths and challenges as they travel through the K-16 system.  You may include the group’s history, factors affecting the group’s educational achievements, issues teachers and administrators need to address, and the outlook for the future.  At the conclusion of your paper, include recommendations you would suggest to increase the group’s success throughout the pipeline. 

Your essay should be 3-5 pages in length excluding your title and reference page.  Make sure to include your textbook as a resource and at least two other scholarly resources from EBSCOHost that are no older than 2010.

Week 3 Written Assignment Rubric

Quality of Content (80 Points)

__/40:  The paper includes an overview of the group’s journey throughout the academic pipeline.  It is supported by peer-reviewed journal articles or research in field.__/40:  The paper contains a critical analysis of the research, issues, and trends facing the group

Quality of Writing (20 Points)

___/5:  Format – Text meets APA/MSE standards.___/5:  Organization – Organization of paper demonstrates critical thinking.  (Paper contains cover page, introduction, conclusion, headings, and effective transitions).___/5:  Precision – Student uses terminology and writes clearly and concisely.___/5:  Mechanics – Student spells, constructs sentences, and punctuates correctly.


Week 3 Written Assignment 2____________________________________________

Using articles from peer reviewed journals,  you will create 5 annotated bibliographies that address generational differences in K-12 or Higher Education.  Research on how to meet the needs of these diverse learners should be explored. This could include what is meant by generational differences, instructional strategies that work and why, effective communication techniques with a diverse population, and the impact generational differences has on student retention. Each annotated bibliography should be between 100-200 words.   The sources should not be older than 5 years.  attach the articles you discovered to separate word document

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