Article Writing Homework Help

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Is There a Unity in Religions. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Is There a Unity in Religions. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Man is a spiritual being. He has always sought to explain his existence and the origin of his existence. Many religions started in this manner then as they grow and spread the fundamental rules and regulations begin to take form. “Islam is a missionary religion and Muslims are commanded in the Quran to invite all to the way of the Lord” (Tingle 4). Christianity is also a missionary religion as the twelve disciples were ordered to go and spread the word.

The monotheistic feature is a common thread that shows unity and conformity. Islam and Christianity share a similar idea of who God is. He is omnipotent and is the highest source of being. This is the basic tenet of both religions that unify them. They both believe in the divinity of God and the control he holds over every other life. God is absolute. There is one Allah creator of the whole universe who is just, compassionate, and merciful. The story of creation share similar patterns as both the Bible and the Quran attest to the creation of light and the seven day period. They also explain man’s creation as evolving from dust. In his unique relationships with humans, God makes covenants with them. Paul stated that there is only God. This concept should create unity between the two religions that nothing else can. His metaphysical nature not only presents itself as a theological fact but in a psychological and scientific way as well.

The commandments are present in both holy books. Although the Muslim community was given twelve commandments, and the Christians ten, they both share a common bond in terms of the laws and regulations that came down from God through the prophets. Since the concept of sin and Satan exist in both religions a stronger sense of unity seems even more realistic in viewing some moral and societal issues.&nbsp.


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