Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Class log. Bei Wu Ucore 2910 Log 11/25 The reading for this week is from chapter 4. This chapter mainly deals about employees and ethics at workplace. The passa

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Class log. Bei Wu Ucore 2910 Log 11/25 The reading for this week is from chapter 4. This chapter mainly deals about employees and ethics at workplace. The passages about discrimination at workplace interested me the most. In the text the word discrimination has been defined as “the wrongful act of distinguishing illicitly among people not on the basis of individual merit, but on the basis of prejudice or some other invidious or morally reprehensible attitude (351).” The text also elaborates on the three basic elements of employee discrimination at workplace. Firstly, the discrimination could involve making a decision against one or more employees without giving due consideration to their performing abilities and other morally legitimate qualifications and experiences. Secondly, the decision may originate solely on the basis of racial or sexual prejudice and other types of morally unjustifiable notions. Thirdly, the decisions could have harmful effects on employee morale and their interests which may include hiring for employment, promotion and work assignments of the employees. In addition to the above, the text also delves into wage differences among employees based on their race and gender. According to the book the comparison of the average incomes for men and women reveals that women earn much lesser compared to men. The various media reports published further substantiates this claim. This is considered to be one of the reasons for discrimination of women employees in the workplace. Such discriminations result in the violation of the person`s basic moral rights.

Reading the content in the text, reminds me of a similar situation faced by my brother when he applied for a financial analyst position in a company in China. One of his female friends had also applied to the same position along with him. Their educational qualifications, work experiences and personal qualities were similar in many aspects. However, in the end my brother was appointed for the position and his friend was not considered as the company simply assumed that women were more likely to quit jobs after they get married or have children. Thus despite similar qualifications and experiences employers prefer to hire men in most cases. Such discrimination of women based on gender is morally unjust and such attributes is mostly based on stereotypes which consider women to be emotional and weak.

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