Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on shooting dad Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on shooting dad Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Your Shooting Dad Shooting Dad is an essay by Sarah Vowell reflecting her relationship with her father. It starts by painting a contrasting picture of personalities of her and her father. The beginning of the essays connotes the author’s less than warm relationship with her father. It gives also lends the reader a rather antagonistic opinion of her father. All of this changes at the end of the essay when the author realizes that she and her father, although not believing the same philosophies in life (she’s a Democrat. dad’s Republican), is basically the same person. This leaves the author to conclude that even with the differences between the two of them, she loves her father unconditionally.

Vowell is a very good writer, having written for various lifestyle magazines like GQ, Time and Esquire. She has this easy-to-read, frank and humorous style in writing that would endear people to read her. Even if she wrote a long essay, she still manages to capture her readers’ attention.

This is also partly due to her vocabulary. Vowell uses simple words that can be understood on the first read. Reading her feels like your listening to your friend. Her writing style is very friendly and not intimidating that even children in lower school can read her essay. She writes like you know her and she knows you: you can relate! Vowell manages to captivate her readers by using simple words and vocabularies, and this puts her to a greater advantage because it will deliver more readers.


Vowell, Sarah. Shooting Dad. Blue Valley K-12, n.d. Web. 28 October 2011.

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