Political Science Homework Help

I will be posting 4 different assignments to write about. EACH!!! a minimum of 500 words!!! Each! I need to know where you get your answers CITED!  ASSIGNMENT 1 “You Decide: Voices of Texas: Immigrati

I will be posting 4 different assignments to write about. EACH!!! a minimum of 500 words!!! Each! I need to know where you get your answers CITED! 


“You Decide: Voices of Texas: Immigration in Texas,” and write an essay that addresses the following questions:

  • How is the population changing in Texas?
  • What are some of the possible political implications of the changing population in Texas?
  • After reading the “You Decide” passage, do you agree with Dan Patrick or Julian Castro? Should undocumented immigrants be given a pathway to citizenship or be sent back to their country of origin?
  • What are the pros and cons of illegal immigration in regards to both the U.S. and Texas economies? Consider how illegal immigrants have positively or negatively affected the economy.
  • Do you believe compromise is possible on immigration? Are the only two options deportations and amnesty? Is there a third option?
  • What role should the state of Texas play in the immigration policy?

Assignment 2

“You Decide: Voices of Texas: Voter Identification Laws,” and write an essay answering the following questions:

  • What are some of the historical and contemporary barriers to voting?
  • What accounts for the low level of participation in Texas?
  • What are the arguments for and against voter identification laws? Should a student ID be an acceptable form of identification for voting?
  • What can be done to increase voter participation in the short term? In the long term?
  • Do you think lawmakers and election officials in Texas are open to adopting methods to increase turnout? Why or why not?

Assignment 3

“You Decide: Voices of Texas: What to Do with a Budget Surplus” and write an essay answering the following questions:

  • Do you think that sales and use taxes are a fair way for the state to generate revenue? Why or why not?
  • How should policy makers deal with a projected budgetary surplus? Should taxes be cut or spending increased?
  • In the case of a budget surplus, what arguments would you make to the legislature to increase spending? Where would you increase spending? Why?
  • In the case of a budget deficit, what areas would you target for cuts? Why?
  • Under what circumstances should the legislature tap into the Rainy Day Fund?
  • Why did the Texas Legislature give up the ability to set tuition at state universities and how has this decision impacted you?

Assignment 4

“You Decide: Voices of Texas: Abortion Policy in Texas,” and write an essay answering the following questions:

  • How does Texas compare to other states with regards to providing services for poor citizens?
  • What is the age and race/ethnicity breakdown of the uninsured in Texas?
  • What programs are used to provide coverage to the uninsured? How are those programs funded?
  • What steps has Texas taken to influence abortion rates in the state?
  • Does Texas’ sonogram law violate free speech for the physician?  For the patient?
  • Should the state pass laws mandating what information physicians share with their patients?
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