Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. 3 peer view People one I think Therefore I am

People one :I think Therefore I am

I was assigned Katelin’s original quote which was, “I think, therefore I am.” I thought she picked a great quote! Because the concept of the quote is abstract, I wanted my poster to be as well. There is a large white space that is shaped like a person’s head. I didn’t want to color this person because I wanted to show that without thought, you are not. However, within the brain of the person, there is color and the quote written inside. Outside of the person, I created a galaxy like setting. Near the bottom of the poster, it is nearly entirely black but as you look upwards, the same colors from within the brain spill onto the galaxy. I wanted it to seem like the thoughts from within the person’s head filled the space around him/her/them. The quote says that when we think, we become. However, I think that when we think, the world around us becomes as well. I wanted to show that human thought is capable of really anything and when we think and believe in something, we can manifest it into the universe.

People two: Coutney

“Creativity comes from a conflict of Ideas” – Donatella Versace

I got Sam’s quote. I really struggled trying to come up with an idea because I knew I wanted to honor Sams original idea but not copy it. So after I figured out how I was going to interpret the quote I started drawing shapes that would fit my concept on a piece of paper. I wanted one half of the poster to represent the other half just flipped and then the top to be everything coming together. I cut the shape I wanted out of the other half of the box I used from the first project. The pictures I chose represent different aspects of theatre that all go into a production. I wanted to have the normal color of the picture on one side of the poster and the colors inverted on the other side of the poster to show the conflict. I then found a picture of two girls who were in the exact same pose just in a different colored dress. I reversed the direction of one of the girls and printed it out. I had 2 different colored paper that I used as the background and then glued the pictures on top of it. The big picture in the circular shape is from wicked which is a good representation of two completely different conflicting things coming together.

people three:kristipher

“There is so much life on the ground”

There is so much life on the ground” Music is transmitted through vibrations, That inevitably come through the ground. A portion of the music scene is also “underground” referring to basement clubs. Party atmosphere is just lively. But another aspect I wanted to play off was that musicians are often stepped on as people. We (actor/musican etc.) are consistently battered with people telling us its just a hobby, or that we should “get a real job”. Meanwhile there are companies operating that will pay us significantly low wages and expect large amounts of our time. Opinions vary on these. But despite being stepped on (notice the step mark in the upper left corner), we still prosper to entertain and to hopefully make some kind of living (decent or not) off of our artistry.

Writing Homework Help