Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Visual Arts Discussion


1. Use paragraphs to organize your response and address each prompt separately. 500 word min must answer both questions.

  • Prompt 1: The directors of the documentary, Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry ask us to consider the role of the artist in society. In your response, first discuss how Ai Weiwei answers this question concerning the artist’s role in society, and second discuss how you would answer the question. Make reference to one of the the following pieces discussed in the film and the other provided materials to support your ideas: Remembering (backpack piece), Study of Perspectives (the middle finger photographs), or the Sunflower Seeds installation.
    • Things to consider as you formulate your reply: should the artist be an activist, or should the artist focus on expression through a specific medium leaving politics aside?
  • Prompt 2: Choose either the Trace installation, which is large scale series of portraits, made of legos, and originally exhibited at Alcatraz in 2014, or the #SafePassage installation, which was a large scale installation made of life jackets originally exhibited in 2016.
    • First, Read through the links and spend some time looking at the images of the installations.
    • Second, research the topic Ai is commenting on in his work (freedom of expression/refugee crisis).
    • In your post, first, describe the installation using the elements of art and explain what drew you to the work. Second, offer a brief analysis of the installation’s purpose and meaning by focusing on what is Ai calling attention to and why. Last, discuss whether or not the work is successful. Justify your response with evidence from the work and your research.

Any outside sources used should be scholarly in nature and included in your submission along with a citation for the textbook in a properly formatted MLA style “Works Cited” section at the end of your post. Any material you integrate into your post word-for-word must be placed in quotation marks and have an in-text parenthetical citation and a works cited entry. Any material you paraphrase or summarize must also be cited with an in-text parenthetical citation and a works cited entry.

Writing Homework Help