Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Two Different Assignments: Please follow instructions for each assignment

Two Different Assignments: Please follow instructions for each assignment and no plagiarism.

Writing Assignment 1:

Select one or metropolitan areas that have experienced urban sprawl. What have been the specific advantages of urban sprawl in these areas? What have been the specific disadvantages of urban sprawl in these areas? What has been the overall net effect of urban sprawl?

3 pages, typed, not including cover and sources page. It is always quality over quantity.

Must Reference: Textbook (Chapters 6,7,8: ATTACHED)
Kantor, Paul and Judd, Dennis R. (2013). American Urban Politics in a Global Age (7th ed).
ISBN-13: 978-0205251759

Please take note, written work need to be citing academic sources. In example, your textbook, other textbooks, academic journals, etc. Sources such as Wikipedia, ask.com, EHow, yahoo answers, blogs, etc., are not allowed and should not be trusted as academic sources.

Writing Assignment 2:

What is meant by “new regionalism”? Detail an example of an area that has adopted new regionalism where it has been successful. Detail an example of an area that has adopted new regionalism where it has been unsuccessful? What caused these differences in results?

3 pages, typed, not including cover and sources page. It is always quality over quantity.

Must Reference: Textbook (Chapters 6,7,8: ATTACHED)
Kantor, Paul and Judd, Dennis R. (2013). American Urban Politics in a Global Age (7th ed).
ISBN-13: 978-0205251759

Please take note, written work need to be citing academic sources. In example, your textbook, other textbooks, academic journals, etc. Sources such as Wikipedia, ask.com, EHow, yahoo answers, blogs, etc., are not allowed and should not be trusted as academic sources.

***MUST FOLLOW: Written Assignment Rubric***

Criteria: Exemplary

Purpose: The writer’s central purpose or argument is readily apparent to the reader; clear thesis sentence.

Content: Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports a central purpose or argument and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a significant topic; content is specific, accurate, interesting and appropriate.

Organization: The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. Ideas flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning.

APA: APA format is used accurately and consistently in the paper and on the “References” section; follows APA guidelines with regard to mechanics, sentence structure, and word choice.

Grammar & Spelling: All grammar and spelling are correct.

Writing Homework Help