Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. GEOG N50AC University of California Native Californians & Racial Formations Paper

1.Pick out a passage from the preface of Tommy Orange’s There There that lends perspective on the way in which the history of settler colonialism continues to inform the experiences of Native Americans in California. How does Orange’s discussion of the continued presence of indigenous people in modern American life simultaneously speak to and potentially complicate the narrative offered in the documentary, Ishi: The Last Yahi?

2. Why does Madley argue that the violence visited upon the Yuki people of Northern California during the nineteenth century constitute genocide? What role did the government (at the federal, state, and local scales) as well as Anglo-American settlers play in facilitating such violence? And why, according to Madley, did white Californians and governmental administrators pursue genocidal acts against Native Californians?

3.As a social category, “race” has no basis in biology or nature. In Racial Fault Lines, Tomas Almaguer discusses the emergence of “race” as an historical and ideological process of “racialization.” What does this process entail? How does the history of racialization in California (as described by Almaguer) complicate discussions of race in the United States?

Writing Homework Help