HR Management Homework Help

Consultant’s Journal Instructions Select a friend, family member, co-worker, or classmate to interview. Have them think of a relatively complex story including a “learning” that they had upon reflecti

Consultant’s Journal


Select a friend, family member, co-worker, or classmate to interview. Have them think of a relatively complex story including a “learning” that they had upon reflection of this event. Have them share a “brief” overview of the story.

As the interviewer, find out additional information about interviewee’s story. Ask questions and invite additional information. Your goal is to assess the story and determine what you think interviewee’s “learning” was and/or should be about this event.

In a journal assignment titled, <Your_Name>: Appreciative Inquiry, write about what you learned through the exercise. You should reflect on:

  • How you applied appreciative inquiry.
  • What you learned about the process.
  • What prevented you from acting upon your gut insights?