1. It is not naive for a business leader to be honesty, at the same time, honesty is a very good character for a business leader. Because honesty can give people a greater sense of accomplishment, honest exchanges can give both parties a good profit and a good reputation. During the transaction, it is an important factor to evaluate through the reputation of others, and the reputation comes from honesty. Honesty allows the two parties to establish trust, and trust is the foundation of any economy. At the same time, honest business leaders can accept mistakes and resolve them in a timely manner. In life, there will be many dishonest leaders, but they cannot get personal satisfaction. At the same time, they will not gain reputation. 2. The first strategy is to talk to yourself. When you encounter difficulties, you can use dialogue with yourself to restrain your desires. This is a good method, because then I can stand in the perspective of a third party, comprehensively and objectively analyze the difficulties faced, and can better restrain my desires. At the same time, talking to yourself can emphasize your goals and increase confidence. The second strategy is to establish a schedule. Write a week’s plan on the blackboard and set an alarm clock on key things to strengthen the reminder. The advantage of this is that the established goals can also achieve self-monitoring. The establishment of goals allows me to clarify what needs to be done in the next stage, and self-monitoring can evaluate the completion of the goals. The third strategy is to increase confidence. When I face difficulties, enough confidence can help me get through the difficulties. At the same time, enough confidence can help me resist pressure. People with insufficient confidence often choose to retreat when facing difficulties, so confidence is very important. 3. First, I would like to thank my mother. I learned kindness and restraint from her. I must be kind to every object in the world and treat people from all walks of life in a friendly manner. My mother let me know that violence and verbal attacks do not solve anything. On the contrary, friendly behavior often wins praise. At the same time, my mother made me understand the importance of restraint. When others buy luxury clothes and gorgeous shoes, I must restrain myself and do the right thing. Improving knowledge is often more important than improving your appearance. Restraining their desires is the first step to success. From my father, I learned humility and will. People cannot always show off their success, because that often belongs to the past, and my father always reminds me that successful people tend to focus on the future. But humility does not mean cowardice, coexistence of humility and will is the root of a man living in the world. He told me not to fear the bad guys who came to bully you, but also not to be the bullies who like to show off. He made me understand that when others praise you, do not be proud, but when faced with failure, never give up yourself. From my friend tom, do not be busy with unnecessary things. Do not pay attention to the content that is not related to yourself, and focus on where you lack, it can be knowledge, ability, or character. Promote yourself, not worry about others. A loafer will not attract excellent friends, and the improvement of his ability will improve the quality of the friends around him, and these friends will often give you good help to achieve your own goals. Thanks to these people for their help, let me take less detours in the path of life. 4. Lincoln has a very useful technique is to tell stories and write poems. Lincoln can relax and release stress by telling stories. At the same time, he will release the pressure by writing poetry, and vent his pressure on the paper through the pen. At the same time, writing poetry can record his thoughts and emotions, thereby reducing his burden. Lincoln has a good habit of perseverance. From the list of things that Lincoln failed, he has experienced many failures in the past, but he did not give up. He has always insisted on his own ideas and acted. When he lost the US Senate bid twice, he chose to stick to it as always. Finally, Lincoln also has a good habit of self-discipline. He always likes to meditate. He will focus on the things he cares about and ignore those meaningless social interactions. This seems to others to be melancholy, but this is a manifestation of self-discipline and control himself. Do not participate in those boring socializations, focus on yourself, focus on problems. 5. Happiness and pleasure are two different words. In Wikipedia, “happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states…It is also used in the context of life satisfaction”( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness) and “pleasure” means “Pleasure is a broad class of mental states that humans and other conscious animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking”(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleasure).The Declaration of Independence refers to happiness, which can be a good life, or a vigorous development in a career. This is a psychological or emotional state, which also meets the expectations of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence hopes that people can have a good life and have good career development. What pleasure means is a short-lived feeling, usually from something else. 6. A. I think judges should care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized. Because lawyers are legal representatives. As a profession that uses law as a tool, a lawyer should not break the law. He copied someone else’s things but was not authorized, which is invalid. B. This is a very appropriate punishment. He has plagiarized other people’s works, so there is no legal basis for obtaining benefits, so he should return the benefits received. At the same time, as a lawyer, he did not implement the knowledge learned in his professional courses very well, so it is necessary to complete the courses. At the same time, due to this behavior, this case needs to be recorded, so that more people understand that plagiarism is undesirable from any angle. C. In the second case, the lawyer plagiarized much more content than the first case. Therefore, due to different degrees of plagiarism, it is correct to give different judgments, and it is meaningful to give lawyers public reprimands. This can warn other lawyers not to do the same thing. D. I do not think such behavior is too harsh. As a lawyer, it is his responsibility to obey the law. In fact, they should understand and understand the law better than ordinary people, and lead by example. The execution in public this time is to educate the public and make everyone equal before the law. 7. First, I think the cause of academic dishonesty is because students do not have a good grasp of knowledge. Therefore, it is very necessary to concentrate on listening and timely review. Therefore, a reasonable allocation of learning time is the most important. At the same time, to cultivate their confidence, many times when they have mastered knowledge, but they are not confident in themselves, resulting in academic dishonesty. Therefore, it is also important to cultivate your self-confidence. Believe in yourself, believe in your answer. Finally, there must be the ability to bear the consequences. Have courage to bear the result. 8. From the seventh paragraph, I can find that for most people, human morality is a survival strategy, which is to meet individual needs, so Terrance Des Pres initially believed that this is a human instinct to meet needs . But saying in paragraph 13 “as simply find themselves doing it” proves that human moral sense is an idealistic illusion. People themselves know what to do, and most people understand what all causes should look like, so most people judge things to have similar trends. But from my point of view, I think this is a survival strategy, because people grow up in learning, they do not actually judge many things, but they draw conclusions based on their own growth experience 9. Just like the Declaration of Independence, a good life should be happy, a good job is happy, a beautiful family is happy, and a healthy body is also happy. The basis for all of this is knowledge. Only knowledge can create wealth, reap a good job, and create a better environment for your own family, thereby reaping happiness. In addition, maintaining fitness is also very important, a healthy body is far more important than having money. Health is the basis of struggle. Finally, I think making a group of excellent friends, so that when you meet open, there will be a group of friends to share with you, and someone will help you when you encounter difficulties. 1. Is it naive for business leaders to try to be honest? Please pay particular attention to Alan Greenspan’s Harvard Commencement Speech. (backup PDF here).Provide a key quotation from the speech. You are not obligated to agree with any perspectives in Mr. Greenspan’s speech, but you are expected to consider the question with care; state a clear conclusion; and support your conclusion with convincing arguments. 2. Please read and think about this quotation: “The mind is fickle and flighty, it flies after fancies and whatever it likes; it is difficult indeed to restrain. But it is a great good to control the mind; a mind self-controlled is a source of great joy.” –Buddha’s Teachings (Penguin Classics, p. 8). Identify three strategies you use (or recommend) to strengthen self-control. This optional reading may give you some ideas: An interview conducted with Roberto Assagioli by Sam Keen. 3. Please read Book One of the Meditations of Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Then write a concise statement of gratitude (400 words or less) identifying the ethical and intellectual debts you owe to family members, teachers, or friends. Fictitious names are permitted, but the statement of gratitude should be genuine. 4. First, please consider this list of failures and successes in the life of Abraham Lincoln. We’re suggesting that one of Lincoln’s greatest attributes was his ability to recover and learn from failure. The quality of perseverance seemed especially useful to Lincoln as he struggled with “melancholy” (what might now be called depression) Please read this related article by Joshua Wolf Shenk. For Lincoln, learning how to persevere also meant learning how to adapt. Based on your reading of Shenk’s article, please identify three of Lincoln’s most successful adaptation strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use his struggle with depression to accomplish worthy goals. 5. The Declaration of Independence refers to the ”pursuit of happiness.” Should the word ”pleasure” be substituted for ”happiness”? Why/why not? Explain your answer. 6. Please read this decision by the Iowa Supreme Court in an attorney discipline case and answer these four questions: [a] Should judges care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized? Please explain your answer. [b] Attorney Peter Cannon was punished by the court and by the attorney disciplinary board. Do you think these punishments (taken as a whole) were too lenient, too severe, or about right? Please explain your answer. [c] The Iowa Supreme Court referred to another case involving attorney plagiarism (Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics & Conduct v. Lane). In that case, the punishment for attorney Lane (suspension of his license to practice) was more severe than the punishment imposed on attorney Cannon. What distinction did the court make between these two cases? Do you agree with the court’s reasoning? Please explain your answer. [d] The state of Florida requires “personal appearances before the [disciplinary] board for public reprimands for disciplined lawyers” [italics added]. Do you think this kind of public shaming is appropriate or too harsh? Please explain your answer. 7. What advice do you have for your fellow students about the best way to avoid committing an act of academic dishonesty? 8. Please review the assigned excerpts from An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps by Terrence Des Pres. Kindly respond to this question: “Does Terrence Des Pres think the human moral sense is an idealistic illusion or an evolutionary survival strategy?” Please explain your answer, agreeing or disagreeing with Des Pres’ analysis. Cite at least one of the numbered paragraphs for support. 9. How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to the assigned readings (above) to support your answers.

1. It is not naive for a business leader to be honesty, at the same time, honesty is a very good character for a business leader. Because honesty can give people a greater sense of accomplishment, honest exchanges can give both parties a good profit and a good reputation. During the transaction, it is an important factor to evaluate through the reputation of others, and the reputation comes from honesty. Honesty allows the two parties to establish trust, and trust is the foundation of any economy. At the same time, honest business leaders can accept mistakes and resolve them in a timely manner. In life, there will be many dishonest leaders, but they cannot get personal satisfaction. At the same time, they will not gain reputation. 2. The first strategy is to talk to yourself. When you encounter difficulties, you can use dialogue with yourself to restrain your desires. This is a good method, because then I can stand in the perspective of a third party, comprehensively and objectively analyze the difficulties faced, and can better restrain my desires. At the same time, talking to yourself can emphasize your goals and increase confidence. The second strategy is to establish a schedule. Write a week’s plan on the blackboard and set an alarm clock on key things to strengthen the reminder. The advantage of this is that the established goals can also achieve self-monitoring. The establishment of goals allows me to clarify what needs to be done in the next stage, and self-monitoring can evaluate the completion of the goals. The third strategy is to increase confidence. When I face difficulties, enough confidence can help me get through the difficulties. At the same time, enough confidence can help me resist pressure. People with insufficient confidence often choose to retreat when facing difficulties, so confidence is very important. 3. First, I would like to thank my mother. I learned kindness and restraint from her. I must be kind to every object in the world and treat people from all walks of life in a friendly manner. My mother let me know that violence and verbal attacks do not solve anything. On the contrary, friendly behavior often wins praise. At the same time, my mother made me understand the importance of restraint. When others buy luxury clothes and gorgeous shoes, I must restrain myself and do the right thing. Improving knowledge is often more important than improving your appearance. Restraining their desires is the first step to success. From my father, I learned humility and will. People cannot always show off their success, because that often belongs to the past, and my father always reminds me that successful people tend to focus on the future. But humility does not mean cowardice, coexistence of humility and will is the root of a man living in the world. He told me not to fear the bad guys who came to bully you, but also not to be the bullies who like to show off. He made me understand that when others praise you, do not be proud, but when faced with failure, never give up yourself. From my friend tom, do not be busy with unnecessary things. Do not pay attention to the content that is not related to yourself, and focus on where you lack, it can be knowledge, ability, or character. Promote yourself, not worry about others. A loafer will not attract excellent friends, and the improvement of his ability will improve the quality of the friends around him, and these friends will often give you good help to achieve your own goals. Thanks to these people for their help, let me take less detours in the path of life. 4. Lincoln has a very useful technique is to tell stories and write poems. Lincoln can relax and release stress by telling stories. At the same time, he will release the pressure by writing poetry, and vent his pressure on the paper through the pen. At the same time, writing poetry can record his thoughts and emotions, thereby reducing his burden. Lincoln has a good habit of perseverance. From the list of things that Lincoln failed, he has experienced many failures in the past, but he did not give up. He has always insisted on his own ideas and acted. When he lost the US Senate bid twice, he chose to stick to it as always. Finally, Lincoln also has a good habit of self-discipline. He always likes to meditate. He will focus on the things he cares about and ignore those meaningless social interactions. This seems to others to be melancholy, but this is a manifestation of self-discipline and control himself. Do not participate in those boring socializations, focus on yourself, focus on problems. 5. Happiness and pleasure are two different words. In Wikipedia, “happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states…It is also used in the context of life satisfaction”( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness) and “pleasure” means “Pleasure is a broad class of mental states that humans and other conscious animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking”(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleasure).The Declaration of Independence refers to happiness, which can be a good life, or a vigorous development in a career. This is a psychological or emotional state, which also meets the expectations of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence hopes that people can have a good life and have good career development. What pleasure means is a short-lived feeling, usually from something else. 6. A. I think judges should care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized. Because lawyers are legal representatives. As a profession that uses law as a tool, a lawyer should not break the law. He copied someone else’s things but was not authorized, which is invalid. B. This is a very appropriate punishment. He has plagiarized other people’s works, so there is no legal basis for obtaining benefits, so he should return the benefits received. At the same time, as a lawyer, he did not implement the knowledge learned in his professional courses very well, so it is necessary to complete the courses. At the same time, due to this behavior, this case needs to be recorded, so that more people understand that plagiarism is undesirable from any angle. C. In the second case, the lawyer plagiarized much more content than the first case. Therefore, due to different degrees of plagiarism, it is correct to give different judgments, and it is meaningful to give lawyers public reprimands. This can warn other lawyers not to do the same thing. D. I do not think such behavior is too harsh. As a lawyer, it is his responsibility to obey the law. In fact, they should understand and understand the law better than ordinary people, and lead by example. The execution in public this time is to educate the public and make everyone equal before the law. 7. First, I think the cause of academic dishonesty is because students do not have a good grasp of knowledge. Therefore, it is very necessary to concentrate on listening and timely review. Therefore, a reasonable allocation of learning time is the most important. At the same time, to cultivate their confidence, many times when they have mastered knowledge, but they are not confident in themselves, resulting in academic dishonesty. Therefore, it is also important to cultivate your self-confidence. Believe in yourself, believe in your answer. Finally, there must be the ability to bear the consequences. Have courage to bear the result. 8. From the seventh paragraph, I can find that for most people, human morality is a survival strategy, which is to meet individual needs, so Terrance Des Pres initially believed that this is a human instinct to meet needs . But saying in paragraph 13 “as simply find themselves doing it” proves that human moral sense is an idealistic illusion. People themselves know what to do, and most people understand what all causes should look like, so most people judge things to have similar trends. But from my point of view, I think this is a survival strategy, because people grow up in learning, they do not actually judge many things, but they draw conclusions based on their own growth experience 9. Just like the Declaration of Independence, a good life should be happy, a good job is happy, a beautiful family is happy, and a healthy body is also happy. The basis for all of this is knowledge. Only knowledge can create wealth, reap a good job, and create a better environment for your own family, thereby reaping happiness. In addition, maintaining fitness is also very important, a healthy body is far more important than having money. Health is the basis of struggle. Finally, I think making a group of excellent friends, so that when you meet open, there will be a group of friends to share with you, and someone will help you when you encounter difficulties. 1. Is it naive for business leaders to try to be honest? Please pay particular attention to Alan Greenspan’s Harvard Commencement Speech. (backup PDF here).Provide a key quotation from the speech. You are not obligated to agree with any perspectives in Mr. Greenspan’s speech, but you are expected to consider the question with care; state a clear conclusion; and support your conclusion with convincing arguments. 2. Please read and think about this quotation: “The mind is fickle and flighty, it flies after fancies and whatever it likes; it is difficult indeed to restrain. But it is a great good to control the mind; a mind self-controlled is a source of great joy.” –Buddha’s Teachings (Penguin Classics, p. 8). Identify three strategies you use (or recommend) to strengthen self-control. This optional reading may give you some ideas: An interview conducted with Roberto Assagioli by Sam Keen. 3. Please read Book One of the Meditations of Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Then write a concise statement of gratitude (400 words or less) identifying the ethical and intellectual debts you owe to family members, teachers, or friends. Fictitious names are permitted, but the statement of gratitude should be genuine. 4. First, please consider this list of failures and successes in the life of Abraham Lincoln. We’re suggesting that one of Lincoln’s greatest attributes was his ability to recover and learn from failure. The quality of perseverance seemed especially useful to Lincoln as he struggled with “melancholy” (what might now be called depression) Please read this related article by Joshua Wolf Shenk. For Lincoln, learning how to persevere also meant learning how to adapt. Based on your reading of Shenk’s article, please identify three of Lincoln’s most successful adaptation strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use his struggle with depression to accomplish worthy goals. 5. The Declaration of Independence refers to the ”pursuit of happiness.” Should the word ”pleasure” be substituted for ”happiness”? Why/why not? Explain your answer. 6. Please read this decision by the Iowa Supreme Court in an attorney discipline case and answer these four questions: [a] Should judges care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized? Please explain your answer. [b] Attorney Peter Cannon was punished by the court and by the attorney disciplinary board. Do you think these punishments (taken as a whole) were too lenient, too severe, or about right? Please explain your answer. [c] The Iowa Supreme Court referred to another case involving attorney plagiarism (Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics & Conduct v. Lane). In that case, the punishment for attorney Lane (suspension of his license to practice) was more severe than the punishment imposed on attorney Cannon. What distinction did the court make between these two cases? Do you agree with the court’s reasoning? Please explain your answer. [d] The state of Florida requires “personal appearances before the [disciplinary] board for public reprimands for disciplined lawyers” [italics added]. Do you think this kind of public shaming is appropriate or too harsh? Please explain your answer. 7. What advice do you have for your fellow students about the best way to avoid committing an act of academic dishonesty? 8. Please review the assigned excerpts from An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps by Terrence Des Pres. Kindly respond to this question: “Does Terrence Des Pres think the human moral sense is an idealistic illusion or an evolutionary survival strategy?” Please explain your answer, agreeing or disagreeing with Des Pres’ analysis. Cite at least one of the numbered paragraphs for support. 9. How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to the assigned readings (above) to support your answers..

  1. It is not naive for a business leader to be honesty, at the same time, honesty is a very good character for a business leader. Because honesty can give people a greater sense of accomplishment, honest exchanges can give both parties a good profit and a good reputation. During the transaction, it is an important factor to evaluate through the reputation of others, and the reputation comes from honesty. Honesty allows the two parties to establish trust, and trust is the foundation of any economy.


At the same time, honest business leaders can accept mistakes and resolve them in a timely manner. In life, there will be many dishonest leaders, but they cannot get personal satisfaction. At the same time, they will not gain reputation.


  1. The first strategy is to talk to yourself. When you encounter difficulties, you can use dialogue with yourself to restrain your desires. This is a good method, because then I can stand in the perspective of a third party, comprehensively and objectively analyze the difficulties faced, and can better restrain my desires. At the same time, talking to yourself can emphasize your goals and increase confidence.

The second strategy is to establish a schedule. Write a week’s plan on the blackboard and set an alarm clock on key things to strengthen the reminder. The advantage of this is that the established goals can also achieve self-monitoring. The establishment of goals allows me to clarify what needs to be done in the next stage, and self-monitoring can evaluate the completion of the goals.

The third strategy is to increase confidence. When I face difficulties, enough confidence can help me get through the difficulties. At the same time, enough confidence can help me resist pressure. People with insufficient confidence often choose to retreat when facing difficulties, so confidence is very important.


  1. First, I would like to thank my mother. I learned kindness and restraint from her. I must be kind to every object in the world and treat people from all walks of life in a friendly manner. My mother let me know that violence and verbal attacks do not solve anything. On the contrary, friendly behavior often wins praise. At the same time, my mother made me understand the importance of restraint. When others buy luxury clothes and gorgeous shoes, I must restrain myself and do the right thing. Improving knowledge is often more important than improving your appearance. Restraining their desires is the first step to success.

From my father, I learned humility and will. People cannot always show off their success, because that often belongs to the past, and my father always reminds me that successful people tend to focus on the future. But humility does not mean cowardice, coexistence of humility and will is the root of a man living in the world. He told me not to fear the bad guys who came to bully you, but also not to be the bullies who like to show off. He made me understand that when others praise you, do not be proud, but when faced with failure, never give up yourself.

From my friend tom, do not be busy with unnecessary things. Do not pay attention to the content that is not related to yourself, and focus on where you lack, it can be knowledge, ability, or character. Promote yourself, not worry about others. A loafer will not attract excellent friends, and the improvement of his ability will improve the quality of the friends around him, and these friends will often give you good help to achieve your own goals.

Thanks to these people for their help, let me take less detours in the path of life.

  1. Lincoln has a very useful technique is to tell stories and write poems. Lincoln can relax and release stress by telling stories. At the same time, he will release the pressure by writing poetry, and vent his pressure on the paper through the pen. At the same time, writing poetry can record his thoughts and emotions, thereby reducing his burden.

Lincoln has a good habit of perseverance. From the list of things that Lincoln failed, he has experienced many failures in the past, but he did not give up. He has always insisted on his own ideas and acted. When he lost the US Senate bid twice, he chose to stick to it as always.

Finally, Lincoln also has a good habit of self-discipline. He always likes to meditate. He will focus on the things he cares about and ignore those meaningless social interactions. This seems to others to be melancholy, but this is a manifestation of self-discipline and control himself. Do not participate in those boring socializations, focus on yourself, focus on problems.

  1. Happiness and pleasure are two different words. In Wikipedia, “happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states…It is also used in the context of life satisfaction”( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness) and “pleasure” means “Pleasure is a broad class of mental states that humans and other conscious animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking”(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleasure).The Declaration of Independence refers to happiness, which can be a good life, or a vigorous development in a career. This is a psychological or emotional state, which also meets the expectations of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence hopes that people can have a good life and have good career development. What pleasure means is a short-lived feeling, usually from something else.
  2. I think judges should care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized. Because lawyers are legal representatives. As a profession that uses law as a tool, a lawyer should not break the law. He copied someone else’s things but was not authorized, which is invalid.
  3. This is a very appropriate punishment. He has plagiarized other people’s works, so there is no legal basis for obtaining benefits, so he should return the benefits received. At the same time, as a lawyer, he did not implement the knowledge learned in his professional courses very well, so it is necessary to complete the courses. At the same time, due to this behavior, this case needs to be recorded, so that more people understand that plagiarism is undesirable from any angle.
  4. In the second case, the lawyer plagiarized much more content than the first case. Therefore, due to different degrees of plagiarism, it is correct to give different judgments, and it is meaningful to give lawyers public reprimands. This can warn other lawyers not to do the same thing.
  5. I do not think such behavior is too harsh. As a lawyer, it is his responsibility to obey the law. In fact, they should understand and understand the law better than ordinary people, and lead by example. The execution in public this time is to educate the public and make everyone equal before the law.
  6. First, I think the cause of academic dishonesty is because students do not have a good grasp of knowledge. Therefore, it is very necessary to concentrate on listening and timely review. Therefore, a reasonable allocation of learning time is the most important. At the same time, to cultivate their confidence, many times when they have mastered knowledge, but they are not confident in themselves, resulting in academic dishonesty. Therefore, it is also important to cultivate your self-confidence. Believe in yourself, believe in your answer. Finally, there must be the ability to bear the consequences. Have courage to bear the result.


  1. From the seventh paragraph, I can find that for most people, human morality is a survival strategy, which is to meet individual needs, so Terrance Des Pres initially believed that this is a human instinct to meet needs . But saying in paragraph 13 “as simply find themselves doing it” proves that human moral sense is an idealistic illusion. People themselves know what to do, and most people understand what all causes should look like, so most people judge things to have similar trends. But from my point of view, I think this is a survival strategy, because people grow up in learning, they do not actually judge many things, but they draw conclusions based on their own growth experience
  2. Just like the Declaration of Independence, a good life should be happy, a good job is happy, a beautiful family is happy, and a healthy body is also happy. The basis for all of this is knowledge. Only knowledge can create wealth, reap a good job, and create a better environment for your own family, thereby reaping happiness. In addition, maintaining fitness is also very important, a healthy body is far more important than having money. Health is the basis of struggle. Finally, I think making a group of excellent friends, so that when you meet open, there will be a group of friends to share with you, and someone will help you when you encounter difficulties.




  1. Is it naive for business leaders to try to be honest?

Please pay particular attention to Alan Greenspan’s Harvard Commencement Speech. (backup PDF here).Provide a key quotation from the speech. You are not obligated to agree with any perspectives in Mr. Greenspan’s speech, but you are expected to consider the question with care; state a clear conclusion; and support your conclusion with convincing arguments.


  1. Please read and think about this quotation:

“The mind is fickle and flighty, it flies after fancies and whatever it likes; it is difficult indeed to restrain. But it is a great good to control the mind; a mind self-controlled is a source of great joy.”

Buddha’s Teachings (Penguin Classics, p. 8).


Identify three strategies you use (or recommend) to strengthen self-control. This optional reading may give you some ideas: An interview conducted with Roberto Assagioli by Sam Keen.

  1. Please read Book Oneof the Meditations of Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Then write a concise statement of gratitude (400 words or less) identifying the ethical and intellectual debts you owe to family members, teachers, or friends. Fictitious names are permitted, but the statement of gratitude should be genuine.
  2. First, please consider this list of failures and successesin the life of Abraham Lincoln. We’re suggesting that one of Lincoln’s greatest attributes was his ability to recover and learn from failure. The quality of perseverance seemed especially useful to Lincoln as he struggled with “melancholy” (what might now be called depression) Please read this related article by Joshua Wolf Shenk.

    For Lincoln, learning how to persevere also meant learning how to adapt. Based on your reading of Shenk’s article, please identify three of Lincoln’s most successful adaptation strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use his struggle with depression to accomplish worthy goals.

  3. The Declaration of Independence refers to the ”pursuit of happiness.” Should the word ”pleasure” be substituted for ”happiness”? Why/why not? Explain your answer.
  4. Please readthis decisionby the Iowa Supreme Court in an attorney discipline case and answer these four questions:

[a] Should judges care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized? Please explain your answer.

[b] Attorney Peter Cannon was punished by the court and by the attorney disciplinary board. Do you think these punishments (taken as a whole) were too lenient, too severe, or about right? Please explain your answer.

[c] The Iowa Supreme Court referred to another case involving attorney plagiarism (Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics & Conduct v. Lane). In that case, the punishment for attorney Lane (suspension of his license to practice) was more severe than the punishment imposed on attorney Cannon. What distinction did the court make between these two cases?  Do you agree with the court’s reasoning? Please explain your answer.

[d] The state of Florida requires “personal appearances before the [disciplinary] board for public reprimands for disciplined lawyers” [italics added]. Do you think this kind of public shaming is appropriate or too harsh? Please explain your answer.

  1. What advice do you have for your fellow students about the best way to avoid committing an act of academic dishonesty? 
  2. Please review the assigned excerptsfrom An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps by Terrence Des Pres. Kindly respond to this question:

“Does Terrence Des Pres think the human moral sense is an idealistic illusion or an evolutionary survival strategy?”

Please explain your answer, agreeing or disagreeing with Des Pres’ analysis. Cite at least one of the numbered paragraphs for support.

  1. How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to the assigned readings (above) to support your answers.


1. It is not naive for a business leader to be honesty, at the same time, honesty is a very good character for a business leader. Because honesty can give people a greater sense of accomplishment, honest exchanges can give both parties a good profit and a good reputation. During the transaction, it is an important factor to evaluate through the reputation of others, and the reputation comes from honesty. Honesty allows the two parties to establish trust, and trust is the foundation of any economy. At the same time, honest business leaders can accept mistakes and resolve them in a timely manner. In life, there will be many dishonest leaders, but they cannot get personal satisfaction. At the same time, they will not gain reputation. 2. The first strategy is to talk to yourself. When you encounter difficulties, you can use dialogue with yourself to restrain your desires. This is a good method, because then I can stand in the perspective of a third party, comprehensively and objectively analyze the difficulties faced, and can better restrain my desires. At the same time, talking to yourself can emphasize your goals and increase confidence. The second strategy is to establish a schedule. Write a week’s plan on the blackboard and set an alarm clock on key things to strengthen the reminder. The advantage of this is that the established goals can also achieve self-monitoring. The establishment of goals allows me to clarify what needs to be done in the next stage, and self-monitoring can evaluate the completion of the goals. The third strategy is to increase confidence. When I face difficulties, enough confidence can help me get through the difficulties. At the same time, enough confidence can help me resist pressure. People with insufficient confidence often choose to retreat when facing difficulties, so confidence is very important. 3. First, I would like to thank my mother. I learned kindness and restraint from her. I must be kind to every object in the world and treat people from all walks of life in a friendly manner. My mother let me know that violence and verbal attacks do not solve anything. On the contrary, friendly behavior often wins praise. At the same time, my mother made me understand the importance of restraint. When others buy luxury clothes and gorgeous shoes, I must restrain myself and do the right thing. Improving knowledge is often more important than improving your appearance. Restraining their desires is the first step to success. From my father, I learned humility and will. People cannot always show off their success, because that often belongs to the past, and my father always reminds me that successful people tend to focus on the future. But humility does not mean cowardice, coexistence of humility and will is the root of a man living in the world. He told me not to fear the bad guys who came to bully you, but also not to be the bullies who like to show off. He made me understand that when others praise you, do not be proud, but when faced with failure, never give up yourself. From my friend tom, do not be busy with unnecessary things. Do not pay attention to the content that is not related to yourself, and focus on where you lack, it can be knowledge, ability, or character. Promote yourself, not worry about others. A loafer will not attract excellent friends, and the improvement of his ability will improve the quality of the friends around him, and these friends will often give you good help to achieve your own goals. Thanks to these people for their help, let me take less detours in the path of life. 4. Lincoln has a very useful technique is to tell stories and write poems. Lincoln can relax and release stress by telling stories. At the same time, he will release the pressure by writing poetry, and vent his pressure on the paper through the pen. At the same time, writing poetry can record his thoughts and emotions, thereby reducing his burden. Lincoln has a good habit of perseverance. From the list of things that Lincoln failed, he has experienced many failures in the past, but he did not give up. He has always insisted on his own ideas and acted. When he lost the US Senate bid twice, he chose to stick to it as always. Finally, Lincoln also has a good habit of self-discipline. He always likes to meditate. He will focus on the things he cares about and ignore those meaningless social interactions. This seems to others to be melancholy, but this is a manifestation of self-discipline and control himself. Do not participate in those boring socializations, focus on yourself, focus on problems. 5. Happiness and pleasure are two different words. In Wikipedia, “happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states…It is also used in the context of life satisfaction”( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness) and “pleasure” means “Pleasure is a broad class of mental states that humans and other conscious animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking”(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleasure).The Declaration of Independence refers to happiness, which can be a good life, or a vigorous development in a career. This is a psychological or emotional state, which also meets the expectations of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence hopes that people can have a good life and have good career development. What pleasure means is a short-lived feeling, usually from something else. 6. A. I think judges should care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized. Because lawyers are legal representatives. As a profession that uses law as a tool, a lawyer should not break the law. He copied someone else’s things but was not authorized, which is invalid. B. This is a very appropriate punishment. He has plagiarized other people’s works, so there is no legal basis for obtaining benefits, so he should return the benefits received. At the same time, as a lawyer, he did not implement the knowledge learned in his professional courses very well, so it is necessary to complete the courses. At the same time, due to this behavior, this case needs to be recorded, so that more people understand that plagiarism is undesirable from any angle. C. In the second case, the lawyer plagiarized much more content than the first case. Therefore, due to different degrees of plagiarism, it is correct to give different judgments, and it is meaningful to give lawyers public reprimands. This can warn other lawyers not to do the same thing. D. I do not think such behavior is too harsh. As a lawyer, it is his responsibility to obey the law. In fact, they should understand and understand the law better than ordinary people, and lead by example. The execution in public this time is to educate the public and make everyone equal before the law. 7. First, I think the cause of academic dishonesty is because students do not have a good grasp of knowledge. Therefore, it is very necessary to concentrate on listening and timely review. Therefore, a reasonable allocation of learning time is the most important. At the same time, to cultivate their confidence, many times when they have mastered knowledge, but they are not confident in themselves, resulting in academic dishonesty. Therefore, it is also important to cultivate your self-confidence. Believe in yourself, believe in your answer. Finally, there must be the ability to bear the consequences. Have courage to bear the result. 8. From the seventh paragraph, I can find that for most people, human morality is a survival strategy, which is to meet individual needs, so Terrance Des Pres initially believed that this is a human instinct to meet needs . But saying in paragraph 13 “as simply find themselves doing it” proves that human moral sense is an idealistic illusion. People themselves know what to do, and most people understand what all causes should look like, so most people judge things to have similar trends. But from my point of view, I think this is a survival strategy, because people grow up in learning, they do not actually judge many things, but they draw conclusions based on their own growth experience 9. Just like the Declaration of Independence, a good life should be happy, a good job is happy, a beautiful family is happy, and a healthy body is also happy. The basis for all of this is knowledge. Only knowledge can create wealth, reap a good job, and create a better environment for your own family, thereby reaping happiness. In addition, maintaining fitness is also very important, a healthy body is far more important than having money. Health is the basis of struggle. Finally, I think making a group of excellent friends, so that when you meet open, there will be a group of friends to share with you, and someone will help you when you encounter difficulties. 1. Is it naive for business leaders to try to be honest? Please pay particular attention to Alan Greenspan’s Harvard Commencement Speech. (backup PDF here).Provide a key quotation from the speech. You are not obligated to agree with any perspectives in Mr. Greenspan’s speech, but you are expected to consider the question with care; state a clear conclusion; and support your conclusion with convincing arguments. 2. Please read and think about this quotation: “The mind is fickle and flighty, it flies after fancies and whatever it likes; it is difficult indeed to restrain. But it is a great good to control the mind; a mind self-controlled is a source of great joy.” –Buddha’s Teachings (Penguin Classics, p. 8). Identify three strategies you use (or recommend) to strengthen self-control. This optional reading may give you some ideas: An interview conducted with Roberto Assagioli by Sam Keen. 3. Please read Book One of the Meditations of Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Then write a concise statement of gratitude (400 words or less) identifying the ethical and intellectual debts you owe to family members, teachers, or friends. Fictitious names are permitted, but the statement of gratitude should be genuine. 4. First, please consider this list of failures and successes in the life of Abraham Lincoln. We’re suggesting that one of Lincoln’s greatest attributes was his ability to recover and learn from failure. The quality of perseverance seemed especially useful to Lincoln as he struggled with “melancholy” (what might now be called depression) Please read this related article by Joshua Wolf Shenk. For Lincoln, learning how to persevere also meant learning how to adapt. Based on your reading of Shenk’s article, please identify three of Lincoln’s most successful adaptation strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use his struggle with depression to accomplish worthy goals. 5. The Declaration of Independence refers to the ”pursuit of happiness.” Should the word ”pleasure” be substituted for ”happiness”? Why/why not? Explain your answer. 6. Please read this decision by the Iowa Supreme Court in an attorney discipline case and answer these four questions: [a] Should judges care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized? Please explain your answer. [b] Attorney Peter Cannon was punished by the court and by the attorney disciplinary board. Do you think these punishments (taken as a whole) were too lenient, too severe, or about right? Please explain your answer. [c] The Iowa Supreme Court referred to another case involving attorney plagiarism (Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics & Conduct v. Lane). In that case, the punishment for attorney Lane (suspension of his license to practice) was more severe than the punishment imposed on attorney Cannon. What distinction did the court make between these two cases? Do you agree with the court’s reasoning? Please explain your answer. [d] The state of Florida requires “personal appearances before the [disciplinary] board for public reprimands for disciplined lawyers” [italics added]. Do you think this kind of public shaming is appropriate or too harsh? Please explain your answer. 7. What advice do you have for your fellow students about the best way to avoid committing an act of academic dishonesty? 8. Please review the assigned excerpts from An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps by Terrence Des Pres. Kindly respond to this question: “Does Terrence Des Pres think the human moral sense is an idealistic illusion or an evolutionary survival strategy?” Please explain your answer, agreeing or disagreeing with Des Pres’ analysis. Cite at least one of the numbered paragraphs for support. 9. How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to the assigned readings (above) to support your answers.