Science Homework Help

these are 2 quastions aboout chem1b (general chemistry) 1. 2.

all Review | Constants | Periodic TableCatalysts are substances that increase the rate of reaction butPlatinum is used to catalyze the hydrogenation of ethylene:can be recovered unchanged at the end of the reaction.Catalysts can be classified as either homogeneous (sameH2(g) + CH2CH2(8)Pt(s)CH3CH3(8)state as reactants) or heterogeneous (different state thanChlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) catalyze the conversion of ozone (O3) to oxygen gas (02):reactants).CFC(g)203(8) -302(8)Magnesium catalyzes the disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide to produce water and oxygen:Mg(s)2H202(aq) – 2H20(1) + 02(g)What type of catalysts are platinum, CFCs, and magnesium under these conditions?Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins.View Available Hint(s)ResetHelpplatinumCFCSmagnesiumHomogeneous catalystsHeterogeneous catalysts

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