Psychology Homework Help

Students are required to arrange on their own to view The Lobster (2016), directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and staring Colin Farrell. In this strange world, David (Farrell) has been arrested and relocated

Students are required to arrange on their own to view The Lobster (2016), directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and staring Colin Farrell. In this strange world, David (Farrell) has been arrested and relocated to the Hotel after his marriage has ended, because in this world singleness is prohibited. David has 45 days to fall in love and find a new mate; otherwise, he will be transformed into an animal of his choice. There’s certainly a superficial level of humor and parody portraying today’s mating rituals. Yet, a deeper story is shared in this film as well that can be evaluated through a socially psychoanalytic/ Freudian lens. Do people need to be in relationships? Might there actually be something preferable to existing in an animal state? Why does society relentless demand we find ourselves in paired relationships? With such an analysis, your commentary may be used to support an idea or ideas of psychoanalytic theory, but the film can be used to refute it as well. The best approach to take with this sort of assignment is to first workout a solid outline of the theory, then—and only then—watch the film, taking notes enriching your outline, reflect, develop a thesis, write a rough draft, research, watch the film a second time, revise, submit, and enjoy a latte from Starbucks! Your essay needs fall within the range of 500 to 750-words, include at least one quote from Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontent, and use of one additional outside reference. All references need to be in APA format. This is an R-rated movie, and I can find an alternate assignment if you are uncomfortable with all those factors that such a rating is based upon. Reach out to your professor if you have questions.

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