Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Help in Java Composition


Interpreting a short
passage of the text to identify the best class candidates as well as the inheritance,
composition or aggregation relationships that might exist among them:

Assume that someone has defined Course
as an entity with attributes name, dept, year, semester (with values F – “Fall”,
S- “Summer”, W- “Winter”). 
Also each course is associated with:

course description (a paragraph of text),

name of professor and his office number, and a phone extension (note
that one instructor could teach several courses, one course could teach only
one instructor).

student enrollment list for the course(usually up to 30 students),

average course student mark (average of all students  from student enrollment list)


Interpreting a short
passage of the text to identify the best class candidates as well as the inheritance,
composition or aggregation relationships that might exist among them:

that a simple batch payroll system consist of the employees in the XYZ Company,
and their associated data, such as Employee ID, name / last name, and birthday.
Also Employee should belong to one of the department – Department of Sales or
Department of Advertisement, and employees could belong to the union. Employees belong to the union must pay union
charge as 0.1% from monthly income. Some employees are paid only by a flat salary (monthly rate),
some are paid ONLY an hourly rate (weekly
hourly rate), and some are paid only
on a commission based on their sales (usually % from their monthly sales).

Programming Homework Help

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