Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. literature review

This week, you will submit your Literature Review Chapter. The Literature Review Chapter describes previous research, perspectives, actions, or theoretical frameworks related to the study. This section reviews the literature to establish the body of knowledge on which the study is based and from which it derives its intellectual moorings. The purpose of the review is to ground the study in the theoretical and conceptual frameworks underlying the problem. The discussion includes the status of knowledge on the problem, and notes gaps due to methodological difficulties, lack of studies, or inconclusive results.

The review critically assesses the major contributions of prior research related to the problem and integrates these into a coherent whole. Typically, the literature framing a problem can be divided into domains of inquiry related to the problem. Each domain reads like an essay on that topic. The conclusion pulls together the domains and indicates their relationship to the problem.

The review may use both primary and secondary sources. Although secondary sources may be used as starting points; they must be critical, not merely descriptive, by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of existing knowledge; and must be integrative, not iterative, by synthesizing knowledge into a cohort whole.

For this assignment, you must have a total of at least 10 citations/unique recent (last five years) sources for academic journal articles. You will add to the literature review that you submitted last week. While you may use other sources for background and context, you must have at least 10 recent (last five years) academic journal articles that you review for this chapter.

Please begin thinking about the data that would be collected for this study.

Please submit your work in accordance with the APA style guide

Other Homework Help

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