Marketing Homework Help

Please note that in grading part 1, Professors are expected to provide the relevant feedback, which will take them into Part 2. The paper is to follow APA rules and guidelines.Effective reference of

Please note that in grading part 1, Professors are expected to provide the relevant feedback, which will take them into Part 2.

  1. The paper is to follow APA rules and guidelines.
  2. Effective reference of PM concepts from the course texts and other readings is encouraged and must be properly formatted.
  3. The paper is to be 2500 (+/- 10%) words in length.
  4. The paper must have a title page and a separate page for references (where they are used) at the end. It is expected that the introduction comprises no more than 10% of the paper, the body wherein the project scope, outcomes and objectives are described is to be roughly 70% of the paper, and the remaining 20% to be conclusion with recommendations/solutions/reflection.


Final Paper: Project Execution Plan will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated% of Final Grade1. Critical Analysis and Conclusions (70%)a. Outcomes and objectives effectively identified/30b. Conclusions, solutions and recommendations are appropriate and supported/402. Communication (20%)a. Uses language clearly and effectively/10b. Information organized intelligently and holistically/103. Attention to Detail (10%)a. APA Referencing and formatting of titles, headings & references (when used)/5b. Spelling and grammar/5Total/100Subm

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