Law Homework Help

PROCESSES Review the resources above; create a Google Doc and share with your peers and with editing rights – your instructor Compose a thorough summary of the articles No title page necessary There


Review the resources above; create a Google Doc and share with your peers and with editing rights – your instructor

Compose a thorough summary of the articles  at least 1-2 paragraphs for each article. 

No title page necessary

There are multiple themes that reoccur in all of the resources, identify at least ten or more with bold headings followed by the compilation of similar information from as many of the articles as possible

Cite each article as you refer to it in your summary e.g. (Rudd, 2014) or (Ward, 2014)

Within your summaries address the following prompts with regards to zero-tolerance policies and their impact on school culture (Be sure to address ALL of these questions in our assignment): 

What is positive school culture?

What is inclusive school culture?

How do you advocate for equitable access to educational resources, procedures, and opportunities?

How do you evaluate the root causes of inequality and bias?

How do you develop school policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff?

How do you advocate for equitable practice among teachers and staff?

What school policies or procedures do you have in place or need to develop that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practices for teachers and staff.

Seeding change in school discipline: The move from zero tolerance to support 

Are zero tolerance policies effective in the schools

School discipline

Protecting students’ civil rights: The federal role in school discipline

Are zero tolerance policies at schools harmful

Alternatives to zero tolerance policies affecting students of color: A systematic review.

Racial disproportionality in school discipline: Implicit bias is heavily implicated

Schools start to rethink zero tolerance policies

Your school board policies and procedures on zero tolerance

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