Information Systems Homework Help

Question 1. (30 points) Compute the amount of storage needed for the following. Show your work, and display all your final answers to three significant digits of precision. a. The text of a 5-page mem

Question 1. (30 points) Compute the amount of storage needed for the following. Show your work, and display all your final answers to three significant digits of precision. a. The text of a 5-page memo with an average of 85 characters per line and 50 lines per page. Express the result in binary-style KB. b. The BOOK table has following attributes.  An ID number (number/integer; this field should be the primary key)  Author name (short text/120 characters)  Book name (short text/255 characters)  Publication year (number/integer)  Pages (number/long integer)  Category (short text/25 characters) which contains 1153 books record. Express the result in binary-style KB. c. A 8 x 10 inch photo scanned at 600 dots per inch (dpi) with 24-bit color. 1) Express your answer in binary-style MB. Suppose that your compression algorithm attains a compression factor of 200. 2) How many binary-style KB would the picture consume after compression? d. 80 minutes of “1080p30” high definition video: 1920 x 1080 pixels, 24 bits per pixel, and 30 frames per second (disregard any accompanying audio). Express your answer in binary-style GB. e. A single-layer “Blu-Ray” disc holds 25 binary GB of data. What compression factor is needed to store the video from part (d) on a Blu-Ray? Question 2. (20 points) Your firm maintains gated parking lots, each with its own code (“Yellow” or “Red” for example), number of spaces, and description (example: “behind main manufacturing facility”). Each employee has regular permission to park in exactly one parking lot. For each employee, you want to store a first name, middle name/initial, last name, home address information, date hired, office phone number, cell phone number, and e-mail address. Each employee may own one or more vehicles, and has permission to park any of these vehicles in his or her designated lot. For each vehicle, you want to store the license plate number, the state in which vehicle is registered (using standard two-letter codes), the make, model, year, and color. Question 3. (20 points) You operate a franchise restaurant operation, which a variety of partnerships and smaller companies operating restaurants using your national brand name. For each of these franchisees, you want to keep their name, address information, tax ID(which is unique), and phone number. Each franchisee can have one or more contracts with you; for each contract, you want to store its start date, end date, and monthly payment. Each contract covers one or more restaurants; for each restaurant, you want to track its address, date opened, date of last inspection, and seating capacity.

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