History Homework Help

If you are interested in watching the entire episode (Episode 2) of the PBS Documentary “The West”, you may do so and write up a 1-2 page extra credit write-up discussing what you learned from the fil

If you are interested in watching the entire episode (Episode 2) of the PBS Documentary “The West”, you may do so and write up a 1-2 page extra credit write-up discussing what you learned from the film, what was interesting or new knowledge for you, and draw some conclusions about how this video is useful for the learning of 19th century history. The transcript for the entire episode can be found here: http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/program/episodes/two/ . You have until the start of the Final Exam to complete this, if you chose to do this extra credit assignment. You can earn up to 1 point of extra credit for completing this write-up.

The entire episode of this documentary can be found at: https://ezproxy.bellevuecollege.edu/login?url=https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=95315&xtid=44411

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