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6A – Fitness Assessment Instructions Part 1, Self-Assessment: To complete this Assignment, you will conduct health-related fitness assessments. You are expected to complete all the fitness tests descr

6A – Fitness Assessment

Instructions Part 1, Self-Assessment: To complete this Assignment, you will conduct health-related fitness assessments. You are expected to complete all the fitness tests described below unless you are physically unable to do so or have been advised by a physician to avoid the activity. Answer all Assignment questions below after completing the tests.

Complete the Following Fitness Assessments:

1) Rockport Walk Test (available at:

2) Push-Up Test (available at:

3) Sit and Reach Test (available at:

4) Body Mass Index (available at:

5) Waist to Hip Ratio (available at:

Assignment Questions: After you complete the assessments, answer the following questions.

1) Do you have any limitations that prevent you from completing any/all of the tests? Did you have to modify any of the tests? Are there any precautions you needed to consider when performing the tests? No

2) Provide a brief description of each test you performed including its purpose. If you were unable to complete a test, you must still provide a description of the test and its purpose.

3) Provide a brief summary of your fitness testing results. Include your personal score, the population average, and your rating.

4) Provide a brief reflection on your experience. Feel free to discuss your satisfaction with your scores and any goals you may have based on your scores.

Instructions Part 2, Client Assessment: To complete this Assignment, you will need to read Jennifer’s bio and listen to her audio clip. Answer all Assignment questions below using Jennifer’s testing results.

Assignment Questions: After reading Jennifer’s bio, answer the following questions.

1) Did Jennifer have any limitations that prevented her from completing any/all of the tests? Did Jennifer have to modify any of the tests? Are there any precautions that need to be considered when Jennifer performs these tests?

2) Provide a brief description of each test Jennifer performed including its purpose.

3) Provide a brief summary of Jennifer’s fitness testing results. Include her testing results, the population average, her score, and rating.

4) Provide a brief reflection on Jennifer’s performance. Feel free to discuss her scores and make recommendations for goals for improvement based on her scores.

  • No plagiarism
  • APA Format
  • U.S. references within 5-7 years
  • 2 page minimum, not including title and reference pages
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