English Homework Help

In the textbook chapter on Group Development, you read about Bruce Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Most groups get stuck in the Storming stage. The g

In the textbook chapter on Group Development, you read about Bruce Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Most groups get stuck in the Storming stage. The group/team may not be visibly fighting, but their inability to deal with the on-going conflicts (sometimes for years) prevents the group from moving forward to higher levels of performance. Conflict management skills (including open dialogue, listening and problem-solving) are needed to move a group from the Storming stage to the Norming stage (following “best practices”) and then onto the Performing stage (where the group experiences synergy = the outcome is greater than the sum of the parts/members).

To help you with your conflict management skills, complete the attached Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Style survey. In a one page typed report, describe your preferred style for handling conflicts. Give examples of your style in action. Also include advice you would give to others on how they should interact with you in a conflict situation.

You may be interested in watching this video on the Tuckman model:


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