English Homework Help

Analyzing an Extended ArgumentWriting Assignmenton p 143. For this writing exercise, you will read the “On Date Rape” by Camille Paglia on p. 144-145 (ignore the directions in the book that say “or ch

Analyzing an Extended ArgumentWriting Assignmenton p 143.

For this writing exercise, you will read the “On Date Rape” by Camille Paglia on p. 144-145 (ignore the directions in the book that say “or choose one from your own reading”. Do not do that – just analyze the article in the book).(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)You are not writing an essay; your task is just to identify, name, and explain thelogical fallacies and weaknesses in reasoning in the article.

Analyze the reading paragraph-by-paragraph, and follow the directions on p. 143.

Make sure to cite the source in-text – all quoting/paraphrasing – and on a correct Works Cited List.

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