English Homework Help

Please help me to answer on the following questions: 1. Who you are is intricately linked to past experiences and who you’ve known. Thinking about your life and your experiences, explain what motivate

Please help me to answer on the following questions:

1. Who you are is intricately linked to past experiences and who you’ve known. Thinking about your life and your experiences, explain what motivates you to succeed and who you are now. Please use 250 words or less.

2. What is your career goal? Please use 250 words or less.

3. Significant Endeavor Essay

Describe a time that you identified a significant need and took the lead to create a meaningful solution that impacted your community, society, or school. What was the need or problem? How did you create the solution, and how did you involve others?


  • The steps you took to arrive at a solution;
  • Who was involved in this project;
  • Impact data and numbers that quantify your outcome; and
  • How you applied academic or intellectual skills to this endeavor.

This endeavor could involve an intellectual challenge, research problem, ethical dilemma, barrier or something that impacted you personally. It may be rooted in community/service learning, research, the arts, journalism, advocacy, public affairs, etc. Judges consider originality, initiative, degree of difficulty, results and benefit to society. Limit your essay to ONE specific endeavor.(please see the attached document) (500 words or less)

4. Discuss the impact of your PTK( Phi Theta Kappa ) membership. Articulate what you hope to gain from your membership. Please write about a paragraph or less.

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