Computer Science Homework Help

Suppose that you were just hired by a medium size company. You are replacing a previous system admin that really didn’t understand what they were doing. Your supervisor would like you to suggest ways

Suppose that you were just hired by a medium size company. You are replacing a previous system admin that really didn’t understand what they were doing. Your supervisor would like you to suggest ways of building and protecting their Linux server environment based off of your interview (based off of what you learned in this course).

They are proposing the following for a new business venture and would like you to help. The criteria is below.

Proposed business requirements from your supervisor:

1.    The Linux servers will be composed of web servers, user servers, log servers and database servers(we didn’t talk about this in the course, however, remember that no matter what type of server that you are building, security still needs to be put in place.)

2.    You will have teams/groups of employees of the following: Sales, Software Development, Accounting, and Information Technology

3.    For auditing purposes, the person that joins workstations into the systems uses three different accounts: one account for the IT department, and one account for each of the remaining departments.

4.    There are local administrators for each of the departments, excluding the IT. These local administrators will use the local administrator account on each department. These local administrators will use a local account in each department for purposes of installing applications, updating/patching software, etc. This local account is not the root account, but a user account that is member of the administrators group.

5.    The Sales and Software Development departments have websites. They must be able to communicate to each other, but not be publicly. There is a main company website however.

6.    The Software development team has to have a development space on the internal network. )They use Linux servers as their platform for development so they must have their own space, but they expect the server to be secure.

How to submit:

You will need to submit a short narrative in the space provided. Additionally, if you create any diagrams as part of the assignment, these will also need to be attached.

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