Computer Science Homework Help

*ONLY PART 1 You have been recently hired as a computer technician at a local computer sales and repair shop. The shop offers a variety of services that range from installing new applications and fixi


You have been recently hired as a computer technician at a local computer sales and repair shop. The shop offers a variety of services that range from installing new applications and fixing computers to recovering lost or deleted data. One service provided by this company is the opportunity for customers to have a computer built to their specifications. As a technician, it is your responsibility to capture the customer’s unique requests.

As part of the training process, your manager would like to evaluate how effective you are at this task, and asked that you complete a project: creating a three-part manual that shows a user how to build a computer, using a list of specifications. Your manual should also describe potential problems you might encounter during the process and ways to handle those problems.

You will provide a comprehensive and detailed manual documenting the step-by-step process for building a computer using the components provided in LabSim 14.1: “Build a Computer from Scratch.” The manual will be used by entry-level technicians, so it should be clear, concise, and formatted using the IEEE citation style, with screenshots of each step from LabSim 14.1. Your manual should be similar to step-by-step instructions on How to Change the Oil in Your Car. Note carefully how in this example, not only is each step described individually, and in detail, but also there is a visual representation of each step. You should model your submission along the same lines. Keep in mind that your manual will be used as a guide for new technicians.

The manual should not document how to complete a LabSim section; rather, it should provide detailed instructions on how to build an actual computer for a potential customer:

NOT ACCEPTABLE: “Drag the motherboard from the shelf to the motherboard plate in the system case.”

ACCEPTABLE: “After properly grounding yourself, pick up the motherboard and place it inside the area where the motherboard will sit in the case. Align the screw holes on the motherboard with the screw holes on the case. Use appropriate screws to mount the motherboard inside the case, making sure not to scratch the surface of the motherboard.”

The manual will be submitted in three separate parts. Part 1 addresses Sections 1-5 of the overall manual, Part 2 addresses Sections 6-10, and Part 3 addresses Sections 11-12.

PC Build & Manual Part 1:

1. Workspace Preparation 2. Installing Motherboard 3. Installing Power Supply 4. Installing CPU 5. Installing RAM 

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