Computer Science Homework Help

This is for operating systems for computer science. I’m a little stuck on some of the problems. 1) Why is logging important? What are its limitations as a security control? What are pros and cons of

This is for operating systems for computer science. I’m a little stuck on some of the problems. 

1) Why is logging important? What are its limitations as a security control? What are pros and cons of remote logging ( remote access)?

2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a file integrity checking tool (tripwire). This is a program that notifies the admin. of any changes to files on a regular basis. Consider issues such as which files you really only want to change rarely, which files may change more often and which may change often. Discuss how this influences the configuration of the tool, especially as to which parts of the file system are scanned, and how work is monitoring its responses imposes on the administrator. 

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