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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on play therapy and autistic students ( pst survey ).

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on play therapy and autistic students ( pst survey ). Play Therapy and Autistic Survey to Assess the Effectiveness of Play Therapy Dear Teacher/ Parent The school is trying to develop a program that will improve the students’ social and language skills. Teachers and parents contribute a lot towards the development of the intellectual, social and language skills of children (Andres 2012). I wish to know if you noticed any difference in the students in the two key areas of social skills and language skills after the recent play session they had.

The following is a post survey for teachers and parents, and I wish to get your feedback on the play session. The survey will help me know whether play therapy is helpful or not in the growth of the children’s social and communication skills. By giving me your honest opinion, I will be able to formulate the best program for delivering the specific social and language needs for the students. Please respond to the following queries and return your completed questionnaire to me. Thank you.

1. What particular difference have you noticed in the children after the play session?


2. In general, was the play session/ therapy effective? (Respond by selecting ONE of the options below).


Strongly agree


Not sure

3. Were the games played that day appropriate for the students?


Strongly agree


Not sure

4. Do you think we need more of such play sessions for the students?



5. As a teacher/ parent, do you still see any of the following difficulties in the students? (Check any of the boxes on the left)

Lack of confidence when speaking

Inability to speak well/ eloquently and audibly

Shyness to participate in activities (home/ school)

Students preferring to remain secluded from others

Students fearing to share their issues/problems with you


Andres, L. (2012). Designing & Doing Survey Research in Schools. London: SAGE.

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