Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article The Impact of Internet Payment Systems upon the Retail Sector. The work is to be 10 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article The Impact of Internet Payment Systems upon the Retail Sector. The work is to be 10 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Whether businessmen, entrepreneurs alike were carried away with the commercial turbulence brought about by the Internet or merely took it as the high time to expand commercial enterprises, Internet or online payment schemes made online business transactions cost-effective and convenient to both buyer and seller. Yet despite the convenience they pose, they still lack foundations when it comes to security and consumer trust. Internet payment fraud is an ongoing bane where the online merchant becomes ultimately liable.

This report aims to stress the roles and impacts of Internet payment systems in the retail sector specifically and, two of the largest supermarket chains worldwide in building customer relationships.

Several firms have exploited the Internet to widen the consumer base. These organizations are referred to as “click and mortar” since they are also operating high street corporations (Charlesworth, Esen, & Gay 2007). A lot of industries have engaged in e-commerce — from the financial services sector, fashion and apparel retailing, to supermarket chains. Nonetheless, online successes were often attributed to those which pioneered in the new market, hence obtaining the first-mover advantage.

Dholakia et al. described how the Information Age was componential to the rise of modern capitalism (Dholakia et al. 2002). What follows are brief descriptions of two of the major impacts of the Internet upon markets and marketing.

Consumer-level Impacts. 1.) Consumers take time in understanding the electronic process during cyber transactions just to benefit from it. Dholakia et al. put it as the ”informationalization of the consumer stage.” Through this, marketers will easily acquire market intelligence about the dynamic consumer behavior so that they can strategically respond to it. 2.) Consumers can explore with ease of product information from one site to another competing site.

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