Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Similarities and Differences between Milgram’s Obedience Study and Burgers Replication. Prepare this assignment according to the guid

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Similarities and Differences between Milgram’s Obedience Study and Burgers Replication. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Experiments are meant for consideration by larger audiences such that the prophylactic and didactic objectives that permeate the entire experiments right from the time they were set up. Currently, these findings have continued to remain relevant, not only in social psychological research activities but also in different and related fields

In research, replicability is a very essential aspect of commutative science. however, relatively close replication attempts have been reported in most of the psychological researches. It is only in the recent past that researchers have reported very consistently the replications in the online platforms (Burger 2009, 8). It is important to note that in 2006, Jerry Burger, a renowned American psychologist made a slight replication of the work done by Stanley Milgram in terms of obedience and respect for authority (Hodges & Geyer 2006, 128). In arriving at his replications, he allowed a few adherences to be made on the contemporary standards of ethics in research. In this case, the results by Burger made a substantial confirmation to the work done by Milgram for a period exceeding forty-five years.

Milgram’s studies on obedience, as pointed out before have become arguably the most renowned social-psychological researches happening to have happened both within and out of the field. References to the particular studies have continued to surface in many of the popular media, which include songs and movies. Additionally, they have been regarded as a very essential social textbook, which does not comprise the researches that are quite unthinkable.

It is important to note that the works of Milgram have received proper descriptions as being demonstrations and not actual experiments (Burger 2002, 9). Additionally, the lack of a proper theoretical model at the beginning of the research stopped the efforts by Milgram in publishing the initial&nbsp.reports concerning his particular investigations.

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