Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: A Nurse Mentor Reflection in Clinical Practice Using Gibbs Model. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the AP

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: A Nurse Mentor Reflection in Clinical Practice Using Gibbs Model. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. By nurturing novice nurses, expert nurses also get to rehash their skills and improve themselves in the process (see Kosier et. Al. 2004). A strong feedback mechanism between the mentor and the learner is also very important to facilitate the proper transfer of knowledge and skills.

As a qualified mental health nurse (RMN) working in a community mental health team and a student mentor who is training to be a mentor, I had the opportunity to work with a learner who is third-year nursing student. In evaluating my experience as a mentor, I will use Gibbs Model (Gibbs 1988). Gibbs model of reflection covers the following aspects (a) description of the activity, (b) my thoughts about the activity, (c) my feelings about the activity (d) evaluation, (e) analysis, (f) conclusion and, (g) coming up with an action plan (Gibbs 1988).

I believe that the Gibbs model is an effective tool for in-depth evaluation of my thoughts and feelings about a certain situation. As it is, I will apply the model to this essay to facilitate critical thinking, to document my learning experience and to use my learning experience in coming up with a personal development plan outlining how I can improve my mentoring skills.

As a mentor, I taught my protégé how to give depot injection. Although she had given insulin injection to patients before when she as yet a first-year nursing student, she had not tried giving depot injection to a patient before. Since she has not given this type of injection before, I let the student observe the actual administration of the injection a number of times and asked her to practice on the hospital dummy that we have. After letting my protégé observe the actual administration of the injection, I told her that she can administer the injection to one of my patients. I selected a patient that my protégé has met before as her first patient. Luckily, the patient agreed to allow my protégé to administer his injection.

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