Article Writing Homework Help

Write 12 pages with APA style on Public Law and Civil Rights. In order to understand the importance of changes introduced in regard to the House of Lords membership, it would be necessary to describe

Write 12 pages with APA style on Public Law and Civil Rights. In order to understand the importance of changes introduced in regard to the House of Lords membership, it would be necessary to describe the structure of the specific Legislative/ Judicial Body – including the terms under which its members have acquired their membership. In the study of Barnett (2009), it is explained four different categories of members can be identified in the House of Lords: there are the hereditary members – known as ‘peers’, the life members (or else ‘life peers’), the judicial members and the spiritual members. Hereditary peers are those who have not been elected as members but they have acquired the House of Lords membership by inheritance. After the introduction of the House of Lords Act 1999, most of these peers lost their right to sit in the House of Lords. Life peers are those who have the House of Lords membership for their life – ‘the life peerage was a scheme introduced with the Life Peerage Act 1958’. As for the spiritual members, they are the spiritual leaders of Britain – for instance, the Archbishop of Canterbury and other bishops among the country. Finally, there are the judicial members, i.e. the judges ‘who were appointed under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1886’. In order to ensure the credibility of the legislative texts developed by the House of Lords, the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 stated that ‘only retired judges can have the House of Lords membership’.

The House of Lords has a key position in the English legal system. for example, in accordance with the existing legislative practice, in order for any Bill to become a Parliament Act it needs to have the approval of the Houses of Parliament. Another critical requirement for the completion of this process is that the Royal Assent is given. At this point, the Bill has ‘to be presented to the House of Commons and the House of Lords before being presented for the Royal Assent’.

In accordance with Barnett et al. (2010), the traditional form of the House of Lords does not refer to selected Committees &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp.

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