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Need help with my writing homework on Software Piracy and Privacy Policy. Write a 1750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Software Piracy and Privacy Policy. Write a 1750 word paper answering; Software piracy can be defined as the illegal copying, distribution, or in general the illegal use of the software. In other words, software piracy can be described as copying of software programs by individuals or business organizations either with a profit motive or to harm others. The advancement in technological systems and tools has not only a favorable impact on society but has also contributed immensely towards software piracy throughout the globe. Software piracy has serious impacts both on the national economy as well as on the software producing organizations. The software producing companies spend millions of Dollars on their research activities for inventing particular software. Unfortunately, a few individuals and organizations take negative advantage of the technological advancements bothering less about the nation’s economy and software producing organizations which result in the form of pirated software (Ohio Literacy Resource Centre, 2001). Consequently, such factors have attracted the interests of many researchers to choose software piracy as one of the largely debated ethical issues.

The three principles selected for the matrix include Autonomy, Non-maleficence, and Veracity. Autonomy can be described as the freedom of an individual to take his/her own decisions. Every individual is free to use genuine or pirated software which is solely based on the conscience of an individual to consider it as ethical or unethical. However, the decision an individual makes should not harm any other individual or group or it should be non-maleficence. At the same time, the decision should not violate the rules and the laws established by the state or federal government. The truth related to incurrence of any act in relation to software piracy should be brought into the limelight so that any such occurrence of piracy in the future can be prevented.

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